Chick 1

Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Chick 1 says:halfbloodprince

Based on the sixth book in the series, Half-Blood Prince is my favorite.  We get loads of info on Voldemort thanks to Dumbledore and his cabinet full of memories and Harry finally gets a clue about who his true love is.

The Basics: When Harry returns to Hogwarts for his sixth year, Dumbledore begins to train him in earnest for a final showdown with Voldemort and gives him an important mission concerning the new Potions Master.  Conveniently, Harry is acing Potions class with the help of a mysterious but ominous textbook.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 150 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

A couple of rumors floating around tinsel town.  These are very early so they may never materialize.

Old News: These days it seems anything from old TV shows to video games to board games to amusement park rides is up for translation to the big screen. There have even been whispers of a Facebook movie which I thought had to have been one of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever heard. But recently a script has surfaced, at Forbes of all places, by none other than Aaron Sorkin. You’re probably familiar with a few of his smaller projects…like West Wing and A Few Good Men. He’s really a talented smart writer and the story is apparently about Facebook founder, not just the site, so it could have some serious potential.

georgeNew News: And from the yummy department, there’s a new rumor that George Clooney has expressed an interest in picking up the abandoned Jack Ryan franchise with himself in the lead and is looking for a writer. I personally don’t think the franchise has ever reached its full potential even with the rather large collection of dashing men to play Ryan.  Alec Baldwin was my favorite Jack, in one of his few good guy roles, and The Hunt for Red October was a fantastic movie.  I didn’t think any of the following movies were as good.  I certainly like Harrison Ford in the role but always missed Baldwin.  I have recently watched Patriot Games on TV several times and the movie & Ford’s Jack are growing on me.  Sum of All Fears was, in my opinion, mediocre.  Sorry, Ben.  But I think Clooney could have what it takes.  He’s the proper age; no more youthful Ryans, he can act, and he can carry intensity.  We’ll see about the action.  I hope this is one rumor that proves true.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 35 Comments

Quote of the Week

There is no spoon.

Duh. (Or do you need to guess what movie this is from?  Here’s a clue if you need one.  It was released in 1999.)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes Leave a comment

Randomness: Tim Burton’s Batman Turns 20

Chick 1 says:batman1

Yes, it was 20 years ago this summer that Tim Burton changed the landscape of comic book movies and made a ton of cash.  1989 was a great summer for movies; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, When Harry Met Sally, Parenthood, The Abyss, and Uncle Buck (an odd choice for summer release considering the cold Chicago setting).  But the mother of them all was Batman.  It gave me quite the little crush on Michael Keaton.  And while I sensed this was a significant movie, my understanding of its impact was limited to the rising prices at the concession, a phenomenon I dubbed “Batprices”.  There’s a great article over at about the lasting impact this movie has had on the film industry.  Check it out if, like me, you’re interested in that sort of thing.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 62 Comments

I Can’t Wait: It’s Summer!!!! Part 3

Chick 1 says:

Yes, I skipped Part 2. Part 2 was supposed to be about June releases but as far as June movies were concerned….turns out, I could wait.  I actually wrote a Part 2 draft but it was the most boring thing I’ve ever written.  I decided to spare you.  Happily, July is looking much more promising.

public-enemiesPublic Enemies: Johnny Depp & Christian Bale? Say no more.  I’m in.  Make it a period piece & throw in Marion Cotillard?  Color me very interested.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 113 Comments

Review: Undercover Blues

Chick 1 says:undercoverblues

I have loved this movie since it came out.  Watched it the other night with friends.

The Basics: Jeff & Jane Blue, played by Dennis Quaid and Kathleen Turner, are spies who have retired to raise their adorable toddler girl.  Naturally, events conspire to pull them back into the undercover world, bringing new meaning to the phrase Baby on Board.  Hilarity ensues.

What I Liked:  A great deal of the humor in this movie comes from the charm of the players themselves.  Dennis Quaid is sooo cute in this & delivers some great lines.  He and Kathleen Turner have sparkling chemistry together, not to mention a great 90′s preppy wardrobe.   Really, even the smallest roles add to the laughter and create some quite quotable lines.  But no one steals the show like Stanley Tucci in a rather un-PC role as a lowlife thug and would-be assasin.  “My name….is Muerte!”  There are plenty of laughs all around and all the characters are just so much fun to hang out with.

What I Didn’t Like:  Very little.  The world in which this story takes place is rather innocent but I really like that.  This is total popcorn entertainment.  I must admit the action is a bit slow and dated at times.  One fight where Turner beats up a kidnapper has to be the slowest non-slow-mo fight sequence on film since the 50s.  You can almost hear the director say “Action!” at the beginning of each shot.

Bottom Line: Fun, light, clean entertainment with lots of laughs.  Worth a rental.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 1990s 1 Comment

Quote of the Week

What we do in life echos in eternity.

Maximus (Russell Crowe)

Gladiator (2000)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 5 Comments

Quote of the Week

Hellooooo, Divorced, Broke, and Sloppy.

Oscar Madison (Walter Matthau)

The Odd Couple (1968)

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I Can’t Wait: More Alice in Wonderland Pics

Chick 1 says:alice2

We’ve had a couple of glimpses of Tim Burton’s upcoming take on Alice In Wonderland, like this pic of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter.  Yesterday, several more character portraits ,like this balloon-headed Helena Bonham Carter, and some delightful concept art were released.  I know this will be weird, but I am really looking forward to this.  And I have to say, while the first Mad Hatter picture looked like Johnny Depp, I think this one looks like Elijah Wood.  Look at the eyes & that gap in the teeth.  Does Johnny Depp have a gap in his teeth?  See the rest of them (including Johnny Depp as Elijah Wood as the Mad Hatter) here.  Plan to go down the rabbit hole March 5, 2010.

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 1 Comment

Randomness: What Happens to Rejected Cartoons

Chick 1 says:rejectedbanana

Working at a graphic design/animation company, there are always new & creative videos & such that make the rounds.  Here’s one that was sent to us by a client as a reference.  Besides being hilarious and fairly disturbing, I love the theme of creativity vs making a living.  If this video is this guy’s way of dealing with his frustration at working in the industry, I’m impressed.  (And, also, I hope he doesn’t live anywhere near me.)  Please note this may not be safe for work, depending on where you work.  It will definitely make you say, “That is SO wrong.”  Be sure to watch til the end.  That’s the best part!


Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 3 Comments