
2012: Best Moments in a Theater

Chick 2 says:perks-of-being-a-wallflower-2

Tom Hardy throws a kid over a paintball obstacle as the kid screams, “it’s just a game, mister!” in This Means War.

The countdown to the Hunger Games sounds as Katniss decides whether or not to go for the arrows.

Zac Efron stars in The Lucky One.

The Hulk smashes Thor in his handsome Norwegian face after they take down a huge alien together.

David’s disembodied head continues to talk calmly to Dr. Shaw as they escape in Prometheus.

All the 80’s music and hair in Rock of Ages.

Any given “good guys continue to fight against all odds” moments in The Dark Knight Rises.

A young cast moves you and Emma Watson is not at all Hermione in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Thinking OMG I have no idea how this will or even should end in Looper.

Beautiful lighting and cinematography in Skyfall.

Crying hysterically to Anne Hathaway’s I Dreamed a Dream.

Posted on by wj11 in Year in Review 1,185 Comments

Review: He’s Just Not That Into You

 Chick 2 says:not-into-you

As both Flick Chicks have pointed out, January/February release dates do not mean tent-pole pictures.  However, it’s hard to make a horrible movie when you fill it with talented actors.  He’s Just Not That Into You is a bit meandering and has no emotional punctuation marks as it follows multiple storylines.  It is framed in such a way that you can feel it’s self-help book roots, however, once translated to the big screen apparently the writers felt that everyone in the movie version needed to be the exception to the rule, rather than the victim.  Read more

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 30 Comments

I Can’t Wait: Chick 2′s Turn to Geek Out

Chick 2 says:

Okay, I got totally geeked out by a trailer that aired during the Super Bowl, so I guess I have to own up to it.  I am totally stoked about…

G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra.

Yes, really.  I didn’t have the Barbie collection growing up (that was Chick 1), I had the G.I.Joe collection.  And what a collection it was.  I missed the 12 inch doll era, but did get in before the double-action kung-fu grip.  I know to someone out there, that means something.  The casting looks pretty decent as well – Dennis Quaid as General Hawk (one of the originals), Channing Tatum, and Sienna Miller.  I am most excited about Ray Park as Snake Eyes because he is a true martial artist that kicks ass.  My only reservation in casting would be Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cobra Commander.  Nothing against Gordon-Levitt, but I just don’t see it.  I’m sure it will be your basic summer, Stephen Sommers-directed, kid’s movie, but it should be fun to see my childhood on the big screen.  It’s about time.

Here’s hoping it’s better than Scooby-Doo.

Addendum by Chick 1, for your viewing pleasure:


Posted on by wj11 in I Can't Wait! 7 Comments

Review: New in Town

Chick 2 says:new-in-town

Leading the way into the Valentine’s Day romantic comedies, New in Town is a movie typical of January releases. Renee Zellweger is assigned to downsize a small town Minnesota plant, and who should be the local union rep but Harry Connick, Jr. The two leads have good chemistry, and there are several cute moments between them–plus lots of quirky, endearing characters that make it an enjoyable film to watch. Unlike her portrayal of Bridge Jones, Zellweger plays the city girl in the country with confidence and professionalism without making her a ditzy corporate bitch. And who doesn’t want to see Connick in a romantic comedy? However, the movie is most likely a victim of re-cuts and re-shoots and it results in just an average film.

IF you’re looking for fairly clean, fairly entertaining way to kill 2 hours, THEN GO.

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 3 Comments

Review: Step Brothers

 Chick 2 says:step-brothers

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly star as 40-year-olds still living at home when their worlds are turned upside down by the marriage of their parents. I very much appreciate the talent of Ferrell, and Reilly is a very diverse and gifted actor, therefore there are definitely parts of the movie that keep you in stitches, howling with laughter, and a good part of those moments are in the trailer. However, the movie had ‘way too much profanity and vulgarity for me to thoroughly enjoy it. I respect the revolutionary abilities of such people as Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen, but believe that they can still deliver their loser-as-the-hero, realistically gross humor with a little more taste. It might take a little more thought and effort, but their films would be the better for it. Having said that, watching these 2 actors in the scenarios that such a plot creates has its merits. I think it would be best watched on TV when the censors have kindly edited out elements that only detract.

 IF you enjoy the cruder, dumber, more offensive side of Will Farrell and John C. Reilly, THEN GO (rent it).


Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 14 Comments

Review: Wimbledon

 Chick 1 says:wimbledon

This rom-com about an aging tennis pro and an up & coming tennis star trying to prove that love doesn’t mean anything has become one of my favorites.

What I Liked: There are several things this movie has going for it, at least for me, right off the bat. 1. Paul Bettany as “Peter, Peter Colt” - yum & charasmatic as well. 2. British accents (see 1.). 3. London/Brighton scenery.  So I’m pretty happy from the start.  Read more

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 1 Comment

2008 In Review

Chick 2 says:iron-man

Top Ten (of the 40 movies I saw)

            27 Dresses

            Iron Man

            What Happens in Vegas

            Sex and the City

            Hancock Read more

Posted on by wj11 in Year in Review 465 Comments

2008: Best Moments in a Theater

Chick 2 says:zooey-on-scooter

 ***Spoilers follow*** Read more

Posted on by wj11 in Year in Review 200 Comments

Review: Valkyrie

Chick 2 says:valkyrie

Whether it is the best movie ever made or not, I feel that Valkyrie is an important movie, and definitely one to go see.  Tom Cruise plays Claus von Stauffenberg, a German colonel committed to leading an assassination plot of Adolph Hitler.  Having been to Germany and walked through a concentration camp myself, this movie struck a note with me about Germans who believed in a Germany without Hitler.  Read more

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 8 Comments

Review: Australia

Chick 2 says:australia

Right now, Michael Bay wishes he were Baz Luhrmann. Australia touted epic and it delivers. It introduces the characters in typical Luhrmann fashion, a bit silly and showy, but within 15 minutes or so it begins to improve and, in my opinion, proves to be the director’s best work. The leads, played by Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman, are both people of tremendous character, the kind of people the world needs today. Lady Ashley (Kidman) comes to Australia and immediately must decide between the easy choice of returning to London and ignoring the injustice that’s being done Down Under, or making the tough decision to fight the battle of saving her husband’s ranch and the people whose lives would be affected. Read more

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 119 Comments