Casting Notes

Casting Notes: Bond to Fight Aliens

Chick 1 says:daniel-craig

A few days ago I reported that Robert Downey Jr had dropped out of the scifi-western Cowboys & Aliens due to a scheduling conflict with the Sherlock Holmes sequel.  His replacement has been announced and it is…. (drum roll)… Daniel Craig.  I’m a fan of Daniel Craig’s.  I had never been a huge fan of the James Bond series but Craig & director Martin Campbell won me over when they rebooted with Casino Royale &, in my opinion, Quantum of Solace was even better.  But I’m not sure how this will work with Cowboys & Aliens.  Craig always seems very stern & broody, which has worked for him but it seems that this project might require a sense of humor that is more in line with Downey’s persona.  I’m certainly willing to give Craig the benefit of the doubt and see what he turns out. Also, I’m willing to trust Jon Favreau who has proved himself a capable director.  Cowboys & Aliens is due to be released in 2011.

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Casting Notes: Spidey and Iron Man Both Bail

Chick 1 says:

Some shocking and not so shocking news from the roster of upcoming films.

tobeymaguireSpiderman 4 is not happening.  Director Sam Raimi has left the project and the franchise and as a result, so has Tobey Maguire et al.  Sony and Columbia plan to reboot the series, sending Peter Parker back to high school.  There’s a nice article about these developments over at

I have to say I’m relieved.  I really enjoyed the first two movies and Maguire was a perfect Parker.  But it was obvious in Spiderman 3 that the franchise was falling prey to the Hollywood machine.  The script was all over the place and performances seemed phoned in. 

Now the comment boards are abuzz with fan based ideas on who should be the next Spidey.    Among the contenders are Zac Efron(I think he can act but he might be too pretty), Jim Sturgess (he’s got the look), Anton Yelchin (a personal fav but don’t steal him away from Star Trek!), Daniel Radcliffe (hmmm…I don’t know, not sure he wants another franchise or to go back to high school), Robert Pattinson (just stop it now), Jake Gyllenhaal (who almost replaced Maguire before but I think hes’ too old now), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (LUV him…maybe),  and Josh Hutcherson (whom you’ve seen in kid roles like Bridge to Terabithia, he might be ripe for a high school role).

Who do you think should be the next Spiderman?

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 99 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

A couple of rumors floating around tinsel town.  These are very early so they may never materialize.

Old News: These days it seems anything from old TV shows to video games to board games to amusement park rides is up for translation to the big screen. There have even been whispers of a Facebook movie which I thought had to have been one of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever heard. But recently a script has surfaced, at Forbes of all places, by none other than Aaron Sorkin. You’re probably familiar with a few of his smaller projects…like West Wing and A Few Good Men. He’s really a talented smart writer and the story is apparently about Facebook founder, not just the site, so it could have some serious potential.

georgeNew News: And from the yummy department, there’s a new rumor that George Clooney has expressed an interest in picking up the abandoned Jack Ryan franchise with himself in the lead and is looking for a writer. I personally don’t think the franchise has ever reached its full potential even with the rather large collection of dashing men to play Ryan.  Alec Baldwin was my favorite Jack, in one of his few good guy roles, and The Hunt for Red October was a fantastic movie.  I didn’t think any of the following movies were as good.  I certainly like Harrison Ford in the role but always missed Baldwin.  I have recently watched Patriot Games on TV several times and the movie & Ford’s Jack are growing on me.  Sum of All Fears was, in my opinion, mediocre.  Sorry, Ben.  But I think Clooney could have what it takes.  He’s the proper age; no more youthful Ryans, he can act, and he can carry intensity.  We’ll see about the action.  I hope this is one rumor that proves true.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 35 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

The Avengers universe is taking shape & Hollywood just can’t resist mining the depths of classic TV.

Old News: In case you don’t know, The Avengers is Marvel Comics answer to DC Comics’ Justice League. Among the Avengers is Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and Thor. And, unless you haven’t been to the theater in five years, you may have noticed that some of these characters have been the subject of some pretty successful movies. Marvel has been using these individual movies to shape not just individual franchises but an inclusive Avenger franchise.


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Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:lemonysnicket

Here’s a tidbit for Chick 2.  There still may be another Lemony Snicket movie.  Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events is a series of children’s books.  In 2004 a movie of the same name was released starring Jim Carrey, directed by Brad Siberling, and based upon the first 3 books in the series.  I had read several of the books and enjoyed them but didn’t know if they could be adapted.  Read more

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Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

A few little points of interest from development land.

maggie_gyllenhaalOld News: I’ve mentioned my excitement over the upcoming sequel to Emma Thompson’s Nanny McPhee here.  Last month we learned that Maggie Gyllenhaal has been cast in the project.  I think Maggie is delightful and I’m so glad to see her joining Emma.  There aren’t any details on her part but my completely uneducated guess is that she’ll be playing the mother of the family that needs Nanny McPhee’s touch. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 842 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

Some tidbits from the world of upcoming projects.

cate_blanchettNew & Old News:  Struggling to get on its feet is an on again/off again Robin Hood production called Nottingham that has the potential to be awesome if it can get its act together.  It currently has Ridley Scott attached to direct and his old pal Russell Crowe to star.  There was a rumor circulating for a while that Crowe would actually play both Robin Hood and the Sherriff of Nottingham but the movie is apparently moving in a more traditional direction now with Crowe only playing the hero.  Read more

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Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

File these under “I Hope They Know What They’re Doing.”

Old & New News:  There is no shortage of rumors surrounding the casting iron-man1of Iron Man 2.  We’ve already discussed the replacement of Terrence Howard with Don Cheadle here.  Added to the mix is Tim Robbins as Stark’s dad, obviously in flashbacks.  That could work.  I like that they keep casting “serious” actors in a superhero movie. 

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Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 203 Comments

Casting Notes

emmaalanChick 1 says:

A few more projects in development that have piqued my interest. Apparently, this week the theme is Harry Potter.

Old News: I’ve been mildly interested in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, currently filming in London.  Naturally, it features Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter but when Alan Rickman (Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series) was announced as the Caterpillar, I was completely sold.  I adore Rickman and would pay to watch him sort socks.  This movie has officially been moved to my I Can’t Wait list.  Check out the rest of this cast: Mia Wasikowska as Alice (Thank heavens Burton was original enough to cast someone besides Dakota Fanning or Abigail Breslin!  Yes, they’re talented but they’re not the only fish in the sea.), Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen, Anne Hathaway as the White Queen, Michael Sheen as the Cheshire Cat, & Crispin Glover as the Knave of Hearts.  Yes, this will be weird but it could also be freakin’ awesome! Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 186 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

Here are some recent (& not so recent) tidbits on casting upcoming projects.  Enjoy.

New News – Iron Man 2:  So reports are out that Terrence Howard is not returning to Iron Man 2 but will be replaced by Don Cheadle.  My first temper-tantrum like reaction is, “NOOOOOOOOOOO!  NOOOOOOO….. wait…Don…Don Cheadle…….that….that could be…”  While Robert Downey Jr’s performance & Jon Favreau’s direction & commitment to invisible CGI were the top reasons for Iron Man’s success, Downey was also backed up by a solid supporting cast.  I enjoyed Howard as Stark’s friend & military liaison James Rhodes, especially seeing a high ranking colonel with his strange little girl voice.  But let’s face it, Don Cheadle is an amazing actor & can easily fill & maybe even improve the role.  While I will miss what Howard would have done as War Machine, I very much look forward to seeing what Cheadle will do.

In a side note, while on tour promoting Tropic Thunder, RDJ reported that when the first pictures of him in black-face came out, Cheadle called him & asked, “Are you playing the black me?”

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