The 2010s

Review: About Time

Chick 1 says:AboutTime

Very excited about this time traveling romance from Richard Curtis and I was not disappointed

I love most of what Curtis has written.  Four Weddings and a Funeral, Love Actually, the screen play for Bridget Jones’ Diary, even a lovely little episode of Doctor Who (which I secretly hope got him thinking about time travel for this one).  I knew he’d bring heartwarming humor, romance, and poignancy with just the perfect amount of British snark. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in The 2010s 28,092 Comments

Review: Oz the Great and Powerful

Chick 1 says:oz-the-great-and-powerful

The idea of this movie always intrigued me.  Seemed like a good idea but the more I saw of the ads the more the movie itself seemed…meh.  Unfortunately, my suspicions were accurate.

First let me say that Oz is gorgeous.  The sets, costumes, and most of the visual effects are a treat.  There are a lot of great ideas here, some clever thoughts on how the Wizard came to be.  And I have to admit the final resolution was satisfying.  But getting there was a slow painful trip. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 48,247 Comments

Short Takes: Safe Haven

Chick 2 says:safe-haven

Overall Concept: B-   Saved a C by a slight twist at the end I actually didn’t see coming.  Otherwise, take Sparks’ same ole formula, insert new hot actors.  There is obviously something appealing about this tired old formula, because they keep making ‘em and we keep seeing ‘em.    

Acting:  B+  

Script: C    Sparks is not much for an in-depth backstory and wants to get straight to the luv.

Cinematography:  A    I always want to live in these charming Southern towns.

Hotness of Cast:  A++

Wardrobe: A   Realistic, but makes me want a coastal vacation.

Location/Setting:  A

Climax:  B-    Dramatic event without a lot of drama.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 48,182 Comments

Short Takes: Silver Linings Playbook

Chick 2:silver-linings-playbook-2

Overall Concept:  A-  Messy and compelling

Acting: A  Bradley Cooper certainly equals Jennifer Lawrence’s award winning perfomance

Script: A-

Cinematography:  A

Hotness of Cast:  B

Wardrobe: A

Location/Setting:  A

Climax:  A   A little bumpy like the rest of it, but happy.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 1,367 Comments

Short Takes: Argo

Chick 2 says:argo

Overall Concept:  A    A story worth telling. 

Acting: A+   

Script: A+

Cinematography:  A

Hotness of Cast:  Hmmm,  the 70’s ‘dos do nothing for them, but courage is hot.

Wardrobe: A    Made me flashback to my childhood.  (Production Design: A+)

Location/Setting:  A

Climax:  A    Got fingerprints on my glasses from covering my face.  (I should also add to this category – Opening: A    Horrifying, and current.)

Special Effects: A-

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 83 Comments

Short Takes: Zero Dark Thirty

Chick 2 says:zero-dark-thirty


Overall Concept: B    Such a huge event had to be made into a movie.

Acting: A    Officially award winning.  Very compelling.

Script: A-

Cinematography:  A

Hotness of Cast:  B

Wardrobe: A    Makes me want to buy aviators and camp shirts.

Location/Setting:  A

Climax:  B+    Very quiet, but maybe that’s appropriate.

Special Effects: A

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 2 Comments

Short Takes: Gangster Squad

Chick 2 says:gangster-squad


Overall Concept:  D    Nothing new here

Acting: C

Script: D    Was there one?

Cinematography:  C    Was this first a made-for-TV movie?  (Sorry, Dion Beebe)

Hotness of Cast:  Okay, A    Plenty to look at, including Crazy Stupid Reunited

Wardrobe: B

Location/Setting:  B

Climax:  C-

Special Effects: B

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 400 Comments

Short Takes: Les Miserables

Chick 2 says:les-miserables-love

Overall Concept:  A   Obviously a beloved classic

Acting:  A+   Brilliant performances by everyone

Script: A-    It’s a musical that covers an entire epic novel.  But the story is classic and moving.

Cinematography:  A-   Beautiful.  Gorgeous.  As well as the Art Direction.  But the missed focus caused by the shallowest of Depth of Field drove me crazy!

Hotness of Cast:  A    This is a tough one because this movie takes some beautiful people and makes them look as bad as they can.  But the beautiful singing voices coming from them remind you why they’re stars.

Wardrobe: A   I’m ready to go buy some French military jackets and pin a Vive La France badge to it.

Location/Setting:  A  I loved the sets and the painterly look of the backdrops.  These are the views we’ve seen of this historical time period and it felt like we were in a painting.

Climax:  B    There are several climaxes (epic novel) and each one is moving, but after you’ve cried through 5 or 6 of them you’re a little worn out.  The end shot is beautiful however.

Special Effects: A


Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 372 Comments

Review: Les Miserables

Chick 1 says:les-miserables

Confession: I’ve never seen Les Mis, not other movies, none of the stage productions, never even read the book.  So the plot was a complete unknown for me.  I was surprised at how much story there is and how quickly it moves along.  Even at almost 3 hours, it feels like we barely are introduced to one character or idea before we’re whisked along to the next scene.  (“Oh, she’s destitute already.  OK.”)  This doesn’t mean that there is no depth to the story; the music, acting and, filmmaking make sure you know each person well enough to care what happens to them.  But despite the brisk pace, it does at times seem a bit long. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 505 Comments

Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Chick 1 says:

First off, Martin Freeman is fabulous.  It now seems rather obvious that he was meant to play Bilbo Baggins but two years ago, Peter Jackson was so convinced that he rearranged The Hobbit shooting schedule to accommodate Freeman’s Sherlock schedule.  Freeman brings so much complexity and charm, insecurity and common man sensibility, excuse me, hobbit sensibility to Bilbo that he continues to grow and grow right in front of you; as any great protagonist should.  Of course some of that credit should go to Tolkien himself, the screenwriters, and Jackson’s direction.  But it’s Freeman who wins our hearts on that huge screen. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 331 Comments
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