
Review: Moonrise Kingdom

Chick 1 says:

Go.  See.  It.

It’s quirky.  It’s weird.  It’s charming.  It’s funny.  It’s…what the….?  Oh my gosh! Did they really just do that?

Filled with an amazing cast bringing bizarre and likable characters to life, the story is unlike anything you’ve seen.  The cinematography and music all bring my childhood into clear focus and the art department and wardrobe must have had a blast creating this world.

It will jar you at times but you will enjoy the ride.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 40 Comments

Short Takes: Skyfall

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept: A   The Bond series has been renewed ever since Daniel came along, but this is its freshest take yet.  Combine Craig with Sam Mendes, Roger Deakins, and Thomas Newman, and that’s a formula for a great movie regardless of it’s past.  Add in Ben Whishaw as the new Q, and this installment is off to a good start.*

Acting: B   It’s a Bond movie – acting not required.  But brilliant turn by Javier Bardem.

Script: B   It’s a Bond movie – script not required.

Cinematography:  A++    Roger Deakins – top notch, brilliant,  one of my favs

Hotness of Cast:  A+   It’s a Bond movie – hot actors required.

Wardrobe: A

Location/Setting:  A   Beautiful locations, also beautifully enhanced by great cinematography

Climax:  B

Special Effects: A


*See Chick 1’s review to read more about the drawbacks of being still just another Bond movie.  Spoiler warning.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 144 Comments

Review: Skyfall

Chick 1 says:

Yay!  It’s holiday movie season and we get to start with a treat for the boys AND the girls.  Bond is back and he’s 50 years old.  And he’s in top form, considering his age.

There’s plenty of action including a great pre-credits sequence.  I didn’t find it quite as non-stop as Quantum of Solace but still good fun.  It does get a little slow in the last half of the second act and I didn’t think the climax quite lived up to the hype.  But it’s still a solid Bond. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 174 Comments

Short Takes: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Chick 2 says: 

Overall Concept:  B   Well played, but been done.

Acting: A  These kids have it, all of them.

Script:  A-  (good adaptation from book to screen, with a few necessary and maybe not necessary changes)

Cinematography:  B-  Meh

Hotness of Cast:  A  All cuties

Wardrobe:   B-  Is it the 80’s, the 90’s or modern day?  Maybe things looked different in Pittsburgh in ’91.

Location/Setting:  B  Good suburbia

Climax:  B+  Maybe an A if you didn’t read the book, but if you’re gonna go there, go there.  I’m pretty sure the kids could have handled it, as well as most of the audience.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s Leave a comment

Short Takes: Looper

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept:  A+  Mind-bending time-travel concepts, original idea, great casting, disturbing yet probable enough to keep me thinking about it days later.

Acting: A

Script: A-   Not quite but almost predictable.  But not until it happened did I realize that’s what was going to happen.  ;)

Cinematography: A

Hotness of Cast:  A (would have been an A+ except Joseph Gordon-Levitt is actually hotter as himself than he is as Bruce Willis)

Wardrobe: A  Modern, retro, current, futuristic.  Believable.

Location/Setting:  A  Again, believable as the not too distant future.

Climax:  hands-over-eyes A, but I did utter the phrase, I knew it.

Special Effects: A  Good futuristic green screen and CGI effects, right down to the, extremely believable and ultra violent, numerous deaths.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 20,655 Comments

Review: The Campaign

Chick 1 says:

I’m not a huge fan of R-rated comedies or R-rated movies in general.  Mostly because I’m a bit sensitive to violence and vulgarity.  I don’t mind that others enjoy it, it just makes it harder for me to enjoy those movies.  There are plenty of exceptions.  I thought Tropic Thunder was hysterical!  But after arriving at the theater too late to see The Odd Life of Timothy Green and not really up for the intensity of The Bourne Legacy, I decided to check out The Campaign.

While there were some laughs in the trailer and Zach Galifinackis seemed endearing, I had mediorce expectations for this movie.  And that turned out to be pretty accurate.  There are some laughs and they are peppered throughout the story, some bigger than others.  But there are also some missed opportunities for laughs, like the baby punch (which is quite funny).  There are a series of clips afterwards with all the news shows discussing the scandal and they fall flat.  So much untapped fodder there.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 448 Comments

Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Chick 1 says:

I think I’m in love…with Christopher Nolan.  Dense plotlines, complex characters, nuanced performances; those are the way to win this girl’s heart!  And Nolan delivers.  At one point I wondered if I were watching the perfect movie.  The answer is no; it’s not the perfect movie.  But it is fricking fantastic!

Not that this love will interfere with my slightly inappropriate crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt. There was one point during the movie that I wanted to literally lick his face. (Is that too much information?)  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 117 Comments

Short Takes: Prometheus

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept:  B-    I feel like I’ve seen most of this before, in either Leviathan or Mission to Mars.  But I did like the “where do we come from” concept

Acting: A   Especially Fassbender as creepy robot David, please see here.

Script:  B

Cinematography:  A

Hotness of Cast:  C    Fassbender, normally hot, is just creepy.  The one hot guy is kind of a jerk.  Idris Elba is hot with confidence.

Wardrobe: A    Cool quasi-space attire

Location:  A    Is that really Iceland, or an actual unknown planet?

Climax:  B+     A bit stretched out

Special Effects: A+  and yikes

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 1 Comment

Short Takes: Snow White and the Huntsman

We are happy to announce the return of…

Chick 2!

Who says:

Snow White and the Huntsman
Or, what I like to call, Missed Opportunity


Overall Concept:  A

Acting: A-  (I think Kristen Stewart might could act, if she were ever given any lines to

Script: B- (saved a C by its original take on an old fairy tale)

Cinematography: A

Hotness of Cast: A+

Wardrobe: A (Colleen Atwood, hello?)

Location: A

Climax: C

Special Effects: A-

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 4 Comments

Review: The Avengers

Chick 1 says:

When the Avengers was announced way back in 2008, I wasn’t really sold on the concept.  I just didn’t think that it would be possible to successfully combine the different universes in which each of these heroes live.  There was no way that the world that Jon Favreau so lovingly created around Tony Stark contained a Norse God, maybe a hulk, definitely not a 1940s style do-gooder super soldier.  No.  And as each individual movie (Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man 2) came out with varying success, I became even less convinced.

I am very happy to be very wrong. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 92 Comments