Trailer Trash

Chick 1 says:

New Trailers for The Tourist and (Squee!!!) Harry Potter

The Tourist: Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie in a thriller?  I’m in.  This trailer is actually the second to be released.  Looks like a good story and Depp and Jolie can certainly handle themselves.  Directed by Oscar-winning director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck.  (there’s a name for ya)  I’m not a fan of the look that Depp is sporting but he’s still Johnny Depp…sigh.  Opens December 10th. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 2 Comments

Quote of the Week

If something seems too good to be true, it’s best to shoot it just in case.

Fiona (Gabrielle Anwar)

Burn Notice

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Review: Inception

Chick 1 says: inception

This has been one of my most anticipated movies of this year (and that includes Iron Man 2).  The first trailer was so intriguing, and considering director Christopher Nolan’s ability to beautifully weave intricate plots with complex themes, when the big marketing push started a few weeks ago, I purposely avoided the new footage so I wouldn’t figure anything out.  I’m glad I did but turns out, it didn’t matter. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 83 Comments

Quote of the Week

Dramatic irony…it’ll f*%k ya every time.

Professor Jules Hilbert (Dustin Hoffman)

Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

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Trailer Trash: Paging…Oscar Season

Chick 1 says:never-let-me-go

It’s a bit early for Oscar season.  There are still a few big summer movies due out yet.  But it is time for the trailers for upcoming Oscar bait to start hitting.  Here are a couple that look intriguing. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 194 Comments

Review: Iron Man 2

Chick 1 says:iron-man-2b1

Yay!!!!  It’s time for Iron Man 2.  Can they repeat their success with even more moving parts?  Let’s see!

The Basics:  After outing himself as Iron Man, Tony Stark now has to deal with the added pressure & publicity, the US Government, and a new development with the arc reactor in his chest, and naturally a new round of villains.

What I Liked:  The original cast return with extras and are still having a blast.  Of course, Downey Jr is a hoot whenever he’s onscreen and excels at playing the arrogant ass that is also vulnerable and likeable.  And while I liked Paltrow in the 1st movie I thought she was the weakest part of the original.  But here she is hysterical, even stealing a couple of moments from Downey, not an easy feat.  Cheadle does just fine as the replacement Rhodey and has great chemistry with his co-stars.  Our villains are on fine form too; Sam Rockwell as the cheesy Justin Hammer & Mickey Rourke as the brooding Whiplash.  And even Jon Favreau gets a piece of the action.  The first & third acts move along nicely and the movie never takes itself too seriously.

What I Didn’t Like:  The second act, which was the best part of the original, is actually a little slow in places, even when RDJ is onscreen (which seems impossible).  Scarlett Johanson is stiff and cold and that works for her character sometimes but also feels one dimensional.  There was also one scene in particular that I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be serious but came off as funny.

Bottom Line:  There’s action, comedy, drama, and a bit of romance; the perfect blend for a summer flick.  (Did I mention how cute RDJ looks?)

Posted on by Chick 1 in The 2010s 1,622 Comments

Trailer Trash: The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec

Chick 1 says:adeleblancsec

Honestly, I haven’t seen that many Luc Besson films, but I love his quirky storytelling.  The Fifth Element is one of my favorites.  He’s got a new one coming out and it looks awesome!  I can’t find a release date for the US yet but it’s already been released in some parts of Europe.  I originally saw this without the subtitles & I still thought it looked cool.  I must warn you there is some brief nudity.  It is French afterall.  But come on!  A Victorian adventure with a kick ass heroine! Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 3 Comments

Review: Date Night

Chick 1 says:datenight

The Basics: Tina Fey & Steve Carrell combine their entertainment super powers to play a married couple on a date night (need I say “Spoiler”?) that goes very, very wrong.

What I Liked:  Obviously, the stars.  Carrell & Fey are both funny & smart and together they create a kind of vortex of hilarious.  Each of them excels at playing very normal suburbia types  that most of us relate to who are put in outrageous situations  and that’s the case here.  There were moments that, honestly, in the script weren’t that funny but these actors made them awesome.  The outtakes at the end are proof that the funny is all about the actors.

What I Didn’t Like: The movie does have its moments when the humor falls short.  And both the script and the pace is sometimes uneven.

Bottom Line:  Not the funniest movie ever but if you make me wheeze when I laugh and then laugh later that night when I’m trying to fall asleep, you get my vote!

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 5 Comments

Quote of the Week

Dear God Whose Name I Do Not Know, thank you for my life.  I forgot…how…big…

Joe Banks (Tom Hanks)

Joe Vs. The Volcano (1990)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 2 Comments

Quote of the Week

Clothes make the man. I believe that. You say to me you want to go shopping, you want to buy clothes, but you don’t know what kind. You leave that hanging in the air, like I’m going to fill in the blank, that to me is like asking me who you are, and I don’t know who you are, I don’t want to know. It’s taken me my whole life to find out who I am, and I’m tired now, you hear what I’m saying?

Marshall (Ossie Davis)

Joe Vs. the Volcano (1990)

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