Randomness: What Happens to Rejected Cartoons

Chick 1 says:rejectedbanana

Working at a graphic design/animation company, there are always new & creative videos & such that make the rounds.  Here’s one that was sent to us by a client as a reference.  Besides being hilarious and fairly disturbing, I love the theme of creativity vs making a living.  If this video is this guy’s way of dealing with his frustration at working in the industry, I’m impressed.  (And, also, I hope he doesn’t live anywhere near me.)  Please note this may not be safe for work, depending on where you work.  It will definitely make you say, “That is SO wrong.”  Be sure to watch til the end.  That’s the best part!


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Quote of the Week

OK, but I still have 98 monkeys to go.

Kronk (Patrick Warburton)

The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)

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Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

The Avengers universe is taking shape & Hollywood just can’t resist mining the depths of classic TV.

Old News: In case you don’t know, The Avengers is Marvel Comics answer to DC Comics’ Justice League. Among the Avengers is Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and Thor. And, unless you haven’t been to the theater in five years, you may have noticed that some of these characters have been the subject of some pretty successful movies. Marvel has been using these individual movies to shape not just individual franchises but an inclusive Avenger franchise.


Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 256 Comments

Review: Up

Chick 1 says:up23

The Basics: I don’t really want to give you the basics of this one.  It’s such a delight to discover the plot as it unfolds.  You can see the trailer here if you like.

What I Liked:  I was completely captivated by the lead character from the very first moment.  As I’ve ranted previously, Pixar really does know how to tell a story and this movie is a great example of “show, don’t tell”.  It was exciting, funny, and made me cry more than once.  The animation is gorgeous.  Some of the landscapes look real.  Really all the characters are wonderful.  It’s strange because some of the plot points I could see coming from a mile away but I still found it exciting and gasped more than once.  I think that is because along with some great action sequences, the themes of the movie are really grown up.  Again, I won’t go into detail but, in many ways, this isn’t a kids movie.  Yes, it’s safe for kids and definitely whimsical but who says whimsical is a kid’s thing?

What I Didn’t Like:  (crickets chirping)

Bottom Line:  A delightful, touching, beautiful story.  Bring your funny bone & some tissue.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 162 Comments

Quote of the Week

In my family, there was no clear line between fly-fishing and religion.

Norman Maclean (Craig Sheffer)

A River Runs Through It (1992)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 1 Comment

We’ve Moved!

Chick 1 says:

Hi guys, we are currently transferring from one host to another so things may be a bit wonky for a day or two.  We’ll soon get everything loaded and cleaned up.  You know what a chore moving can be.  And yes, we are accepting housewarming presents.

Posted on by admin in Randomness 2 Comments

Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Chick 1 says:orderofthephoenix

The fifth and my favorite in the series so far, I watched this last night with a friend who hadn’t seen it yet.  We were preping for the upcoming July release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth movie and number one on my I Can’t Wait List for summer.

The Basics: Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts is a bleak one indeed but he also begins to grow into the leader he’s destined to be.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 186 Comments

Randomness: So What Is Lens Flare? And Why Should I Care?

Chick 1 says:star trek

Chick 2 can explain this better than I but for our loyal readers who are wondering, “What is lens flare and why should I care?”  I will attempt to explain. 

Flare is what happens when light reflects within the lens.  This happens when a light source (other than the light that is bouncing off your image) enters the camera and refracts off the glass.  That’s one reason you don’t normally shoot directly toward a light. 

For those of you wondering flare looks like, here are some helpful examples:



Notice something about these pictures.  Yes, they are both from Star Trek.  And they’re just the tip of the iceburg.

In the last decade or so, it’s become more and more popular to use lens flare on purpose.  It can be used for a variety of reasons; like making a film feel “real” or documentary-like or emphasizing how hot or bright a light source is in the story.  (You often see this technique in a “lost in the desert” scene when someone looks up at the sun.)  And when creating a fake environment (like a computer generated scene in space) details like flare can make that CG environment more believable.

Now I loved Star Trek.  I thought it was the best summer movie of 2009.  But the flare in that movie was waaay over the top.  Early in the movie, I did like it.  I thought that having a lot of flare did help set the mood, make the space scenes cool, and even give the film its own style.  But it made it very hard to see the action.  Check out those photos again.  See how fuzzy it looks.  During the movie, I found myself squinting to try and see what was going on.  (Didn’t work.)

I get it.  I get it.  There are a lot of bright lights on the ship and  a lot of shooting into suns &  stars (yes, I realize they are the same things) so naturally there will be some flare but if I can’t actually see the film, there’s a problem. 

So what is lens flare? – light refracting through a lens

And why should I care? – Lens flare can be used purposefully to either enhance a story or obscure that story.


PS.  I still love you, JJ Abrams, and I would like to carry your briefcase and follow you around for a couple of years.

Posted on by admin in Randomness 173 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:lemonysnicket

Here’s a tidbit for Chick 2.  There still may be another Lemony Snicket movie.  Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events is a series of children’s books.  In 2004 a movie of the same name was released starring Jim Carrey, directed by Brad Siberling, and based upon the first 3 books in the series.  I had read several of the books and enjoyed them but didn’t know if they could be adapted.  Read more

Posted on by admin in Casting Notes 314 Comments

Randomness: Ferris Bueller History On Sale, For $2.3 Million

Chick 1 says:cameronfrye

Sing it with me now, “When Cameron was in Egypt land, Let my Cameron go.”

Cameron Frye’s house, complete with car museum, is for sale in Highland Park, IL, just outside Chicago.  Ferrari sold seperately.  You can see pictures at the realtor’s website.  If you decide to purchase, I’ll be expecting a finder’s fee.

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