Review: New in Town

Chick 2 says:new-in-town

Leading the way into the Valentine’s Day romantic comedies, New in Town is a movie typical of January releases. Renee Zellweger is assigned to downsize a small town Minnesota plant, and who should be the local union rep but Harry Connick, Jr. The two leads have good chemistry, and there are several cute moments between them–plus lots of quirky, endearing characters that make it an enjoyable film to watch. Unlike her portrayal of Bridge Jones, Zellweger plays the city girl in the country with confidence and professionalism without making her a ditzy corporate bitch. And who doesn’t want to see Connick in a romantic comedy? However, the movie is most likely a victim of re-cuts and re-shoots and it results in just an average film.

IF you’re looking for fairly clean, fairly entertaining way to kill 2 hours, THEN GO.

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 3 Comments

Quote of the Week

We are beset with peril on every side…but the real danger resides in the human heart.

Li Mu Bai (Yun-Fat Chow)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

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Randomness: Fun New Video

Very cool music video that is actually a series of 3,552 still photographs.  Basically stop motion animation.  I am fascinated by brains that understand movement like this.


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I Can’t Wait: 2009 is Chick 1′s Year to Geek Out

Chick 1 says:half-blood-prince

2008 was a great year for movies, especially if you like popcorn entertainment like I do.  Superheros continued to rise to new levels.  There were some great animated pictures, and a variety of smaller smart films.  But 2009 is poised to be the year that my geekiness reaches new levels of its own.

It’s already difficult for me to deny my geekdom.  I love almost anything in the fantasy/scifi genre.  I’m a huge Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings fan.  I’ve even read Lord of the Rings fanfiction.  (Shut up! and give me back my bookbag!)  But look at the geek line up of huge tentpole movies coming out in 2009: Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 90 Comments

Review: Step Brothers

 Chick 2 says:step-brothers

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly star as 40-year-olds still living at home when their worlds are turned upside down by the marriage of their parents. I very much appreciate the talent of Ferrell, and Reilly is a very diverse and gifted actor, therefore there are definitely parts of the movie that keep you in stitches, howling with laughter, and a good part of those moments are in the trailer. However, the movie had ‘way too much profanity and vulgarity for me to thoroughly enjoy it. I respect the revolutionary abilities of such people as Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen, but believe that they can still deliver their loser-as-the-hero, realistically gross humor with a little more taste. It might take a little more thought and effort, but their films would be the better for it. Having said that, watching these 2 actors in the scenarios that such a plot creates has its merits. I think it would be best watched on TV when the censors have kindly edited out elements that only detract.

 IF you enjoy the cruder, dumber, more offensive side of Will Farrell and John C. Reilly, THEN GO (rent it).


Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 14 Comments

Review: Inkheart

Chick 1 says:inkheart

I was excited about this fantasy story, but worried by the January release date & the presence of Brendan Fraser.  I really like Fraser , especially in The Mummy & Scrubs, but he has been in some really stupid movies.  So I wasn’t sure what to expect. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 136 Comments

Quote of the Week

Do you know what’s wrong with you?…….Nothing.

Reggie Lampert (Audrey Hepburn) to Peter, etc (Cary Grant)

Charade (1963)

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Randomness: Star Wars Fan Made Videos

Chick 1 says:star-wars

A couple of Star Wars related videos for your amusement.

First, Star Wars is such a part of our culture now that even those few who haven’t seen it still have an idea of what it’s about…or do they?  Star Wars as told by someone who’s never seen it.  Watch it here.

And if you’re a John Williams fan, check this out.  This guy’s got way too much time on his hands, but around the time he starts his whiney Luke impersonation (dead on, BTW) I was starting to crush a little.  I find it interesting that although the lyrics are Star Wars inspired, the video features none of the actual score for Star Wars.  Can you name the other John Williams scores in this medley?  I count 6.  Am I right?

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 29 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

File these under “I Hope They Know What They’re Doing.”

Old & New News:  There is no shortage of rumors surrounding the casting iron-man1of Iron Man 2.  We’ve already discussed the replacement of Terrence Howard with Don Cheadle here.  Added to the mix is Tim Robbins as Stark’s dad, obviously in flashbacks.  That could work.  I like that they keep casting “serious” actors in a superhero movie. 

Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 203 Comments

Quote of the Week

Many that live deserve death.  Some that die deserve life.  Can you give it to them, Frodo?

Gandalf (Ian McKellan)

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 553 Comments