Well, she did kill me but she used her remaining lives to bring me back. As first dates go, I’d say that’s mixed signals.
The Doctor (Matt Smith)
Doctor Who (2011)
Well, she did kill me but she used her remaining lives to bring me back. As first dates go, I’d say that’s mixed signals.
The Doctor (Matt Smith)
Doctor Who (2011)
Sit back! And kindly refrain from the intimacy of whispering!
Emma (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Emma (1996)
First off, Martin Freeman is fabulous. It now seems rather obvious that he was meant to play Bilbo Baggins but two years ago, Peter Jackson was so convinced that he rearranged The Hobbit shooting schedule to accommodate Freeman’s Sherlock schedule. Freeman brings so much complexity and charm, insecurity and common man sensibility, excuse me, hobbit sensibility to Bilbo that he continues to grow and grow right in front of you; as any great protagonist should. Of course some of that credit should go to Tolkien himself, the screenwriters, and Jackson’s direction. But it’s Freeman who wins our hearts on that huge screen. Read more
I don’t feel right. I feel like I’m leaking.
James Kirk (Chris Pine)
Star Trek (2009)
New entry on the I Can’t Wait! List. Behold the teaser trailer (Excuse me, “announcement” trailer. La De Da.) for the Star Trek sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness. (Yes, they’re sticking with that clumsy title.) And tease it does, providing mere glimpses of our beloved cast but lots of baddie Benedict Cumberbatch. (Say that three times fast.) Squees of joy!
Go. See. It.
It’s quirky. It’s weird. It’s charming. It’s funny. It’s…what the….? Oh my gosh! Did they really just do that?
Filled with an amazing cast bringing bizarre and likable characters to life, the story is unlike anything you’ve seen. The cinematography and music all bring my childhood into clear focus and the art department and wardrobe must have had a blast creating this world.
It will jar you at times but you will enjoy the ride.
I’m gonna gas you so hard yo grandchildren gonna stank.
Stella the Skunk (Wanda Sykes)
Over the Hedge (2006)