500 days of summer

Troperiffic Tuesday: Suspiciously Specific Denial

Chick 1 say:

Thanks for checking in again on Troperiffic Tuesday.  This week’s trope is another fun one, the Suspiciously Specific Denial.

A Suspiciously Specific Denial is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.  A character denies something but perhaps they add just a little too much detail to make it believable.  It’s a step beyond a character jumping when someone walks into a room and yelling, “Nothing!”.   And it is somewhat akin to a trope often used in detective shows called I Never Said It Was Poison, where the suspect throws in a detail that only the killer could know. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 536 Comments

Trope of the Week: Manic Pixie Dream Girl

Chick 1 says:

Exciting!  Another new series: Trope of the Week.

What is a trope?  A trope is a device, motif, recurring theme, or even a cliche used in storytelling.  It can be a character type, a specific line or style of dialogue, a plot device, even a type of location or set.

A trope itself is neither good nor bad.  In fact, used appropriately it can be an effective tool.  In storytelling, whether in literature or film or other media, a lot of information needs to be communicated to the audience without bogging down the pace with lots of backstory or exposition.  A trope can be a kind of shorthand that the creator and audience have agreed on and recognize so the audience knows what to expect and can concentrate on more important parts of the plot. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 5,304 Comments

2009: Best Moments in a Theater

Chick 1 says:star-trek

(I know everyone else is done with “year in review” articles but it is still January…just barely.)

Following a canon-destroying scene, the title card comes up with Michael Giacchino’s magnificent score underneath it. I am about to watch one of the best scifi movies in a long time. (Star Trek)

Pixar creates a perfect 10 minute film with a delightful 86 minute sequel attached. (Up) Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Year in Review 17 Comments

Randomness: A Few Thoughts on the Golden Globes

Chick 1 says:joseph-gordon-levitt

The Golden Globes were Sunday night and while I didn’t do a blow by blow blog (& probably won’t for the Oscars either)  I will offer a few scattered ramblings.

First off, of course I’m thrilled that my boy Downey Jr won Best Actor in Comedy/Musical for Sherlock Holmes.  It’s great to see him so happy & his charming speech was one of the highlights of the night.  But while his performance was awesome, I’m not sure he should have won.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 51 Comments

Quote of the Week


Tom Hanson (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)

(500) Days of Summer (2009)

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Review: (500) Days of Summer

Chick 1 says:500daysofsummer

One of the smaller films on my I Can’t Wait! list, this Sundance entry took a while to come to a theater nearby.  But I finally managed to see it and I was not disappointed.

The Basics: As the opening narration says, this is a story of boy meets girl but it is not a love story.  

What I Liked: Pretty much everything.  This is a fantastic lovely story, funny and touching.  It showcases two of my favorite rising stars, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (that kid from Third Rock from the Sun) and Zooey Deschanel (the girl from Elf) and they both give wonderful performances.   Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 101 Comments

I Can’t Wait: It’s Summer!!!! Part 3

Chick 1 says:

Yes, I skipped Part 2. Part 2 was supposed to be about June releases but as far as June movies were concerned….turns out, I could wait.  I actually wrote a Part 2 draft but it was the most boring thing I’ve ever written.  I decided to spare you.  Happily, July is looking much more promising.

public-enemiesPublic Enemies: Johnny Depp & Christian Bale? Say no more.  I’m in.  Make it a period piece & throw in Marion Cotillard?  Color me very interested.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 113 Comments