andy serkis

Review: The Adventures of Tintin

Chick 1 says:

It’s taken me a month to get the theater to check out  the first of two  movies Mr. Spielberg has out right now. Despite the credits reading like a who’s who of my favorite storytellers (Peter Jackson, Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright), I was only somewhat interested in the story but very interested in the animation. 

The Basics: Based on a Belgian comic book series popular during the 1930′s, the story follows the  many adventures of its title character, Tintin (that’s pretty much what it says) an intrepid young reporter.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 684 Comments

Review: The Prestige

Chick 1 says: theprestige

I saw this when it first came out in 2006, one of two dueling magician movies; the other one being The Illusionist.  It stars Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman as competing magicians themselves in Victorian London and is directed by Christopher Nolan, post-Batman Begins. Saw it again recently so it’s time for a review.

What I Liked:

Christopher Nolan is as Christopher Nolan does.  (Sorry, Forrest)  And this story has all the marks of this great director: non-chronological narrative, story within a story…within a story (wasn’t there a Simpsons episode like that?), and complex themes.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 1,523 Comments

I Can’t Wait!: The Hobbit

Chick 1 says:thehobbit

In case you didn’t know, they are currently filming J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit in New Zealand.  After several years of pre-production woes, lawsuits, and a revolving door of directors, filming finally started in March. Peter Jackson, who was originally slated as producer, is directing. All is well with the world. The man who spent more than a decade bringing The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to the screen should be in charge of its prequel. The Lord of the Rings had a huge impact on me creatively, spiritually, and in many other ways.  The commitment, passion, craftsmanship, and excellence poured into that story is inspiring.  And it appears the same care is being taken with The Hobbit. As proof, I offer this squeal-inducing video published on The Hobbit Blog a few months ago which you can watch here.

I’m happy to report that a huge number of the original cast are returning, at least appropriate cast.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 151 Comments

I Can’t Wait: The Long Cold Winter

Let’s face it.  January and February are the nuclear waste dump of Hollywood.  A period when movies whose releases have been pushed further and further back because they couldn’t compete with whatever else was being released, movies that have disappointed studio execs, movies that studios don’t know what to do with, and movies that just have no one to believe in them find themselves finally showing to audiences.

Add to this the romantic comedy season leading up Valentine’s (a genre I’ll talk about in an upcoming blog) and choices at the theater can seem kind of bleak. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 88 Comments