
Troperiffic Tuesday!: The Almighty MacGuffin

Chick 1 says:

What do the Ark of the Covenant, the Maltese Falcon, and Unobtanium all have in common?  They are all versions of the MacGuffin, one of the most commonly used tropes of all time.  The MacGuffin is simply what they are after; what the hero is chasing, trying to find, or trying to protect.

The MacGuffin has been a trope in stories for as long as there have been stories (see the Golden Fleece in Jason and the Argonauts) but it was first given its name by Alfred Hitchcock who credited one of his screenwriters with the term.  The MacGuffin is the external motivation for the hero’s journey but has little to do with the hero’s actual character arc.  In its purest form, the MacGuffin could be replaced with any other item and the story would remain essentially the same. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 172 Comments

Randomness: Oscar Notes 2010

Chick 1 says:sandrabullockoscar

Here we go again!

7:06 pm – Of course they all look gorgeous but Sandra Bullock looks great!  That’s a winner’s dress.  Just my little prediction.

7:22 pm – Does Miley Cyrus even know who Kathy Ireland is?

7:43 pm – Yay!  Finally a funny opening act…and Doogie to boot! Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 530 Comments

Randomness: A Few Thoughts on the Golden Globes

Chick 1 says:joseph-gordon-levitt

The Golden Globes were Sunday night and while I didn’t do a blow by blow blog (& probably won’t for the Oscars either)  I will offer a few scattered ramblings.

First off, of course I’m thrilled that my boy Downey Jr won Best Actor in Comedy/Musical for Sherlock Holmes.  It’s great to see him so happy & his charming speech was one of the highlights of the night.  But while his performance was awesome, I’m not sure he should have won.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 51 Comments

Review: Avatar

Chick 1 says:avatar

I have to admit that despite the fact that this was James Cameron’s first feature since the gargantuan Titanic, I really didn’t get what all the fuss was about.  But imagine with me, if you will, a world where George Lucas still had all this amazing technology available to him but he hadn’t forgotten how to direct actors or how to tell a decent story.

The Basics:  I won’t give more away than what’s in the trailers; a planet called Pandora with a native population, a crippled marine with the chance to live through another body, and some cool new technology (both in the movie & in the making of the movie). Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 22 Comments