brad pitt

Randomness: The A List

Chick 1 says:brad_pitt

I love to surf  the net and is one of my favorites.  I visit their Morning Cup O’ Links almost everyday.  They write on a wide variety topics and the posts are usually witty and brief. 

Yesterday they posted this article about the origin of the phrase A List in Hollywood.  I have to admit even I didn’t know this.  But yes, Virginia, there really is an A List.  Read about it here.

Posted on by admin in Randomness 18,900 Comments

Randomness: Oscar Notes

Chick 1 says:oscar2

I wasn’t going to start this rundown of the telecast until it actually started at 7:30 CST.  But after what just happened on the red carpet, it’s time to start.

5:50 pm: All six children from the cast of Slumdog Millionaire being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest.  Was that not the most adorable thing ever?!  I could have eaten them all for dessert.  Closely followed by the other cast members from Slumdog, all humble, excited, and a little giddy.  And they seem to handling the whirlwind surrounding their film quite well.  I hope this movie wins Best Picture! Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 3,327 Comments

Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Chick 2 says:The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is very curious indeed.  What was once a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald perhaps should have stayed a short story, or at least been a shorter version of a movie.  Born with an unknown ailment (perhaps brought on by a clock that ticks backwards) that causes him to age backwards, Button (played by Brad Pitt) begins his life as an infant eighty-year old man not expected to live.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 62 Comments

I Can’t Wait: Holiday Movies

Chick 1 says:

Having wandered through the first round of holiday movies with varying enjoyment, the start of December seemed to bring a lull in good films.  Seems that dry spell may end on Friday.

The Tale of Despereauxdespereaux1

This little fairy tale starring Matthew Broderick as the tiny mouse Despereaux and Emma Watson as Princess Pea, looks absolutely delightful.  Beautiful animation, fun cast, and a sweet story.  Opens Dec 19th.  See the trailer here. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 191 Comments

Review: Burn After Reading

Things aren't going well for Brad

Things aren't going well for Brad

Chick 1 says:
While I certainly appreciate the talent of the Coen Brothers, I can’t exactly call myself an expert or even necessarily a fan.  My personal taste in movies doesn’t usually gravitate toward dark or graphic violence so that eliminates quite a few of the Coens’ major films, including last year’s No Country For Old Men, from my sphere of enjoyment.  However, I have enjoyed their comedies quite a bit.  O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Raising Arizona are among my favorite movies.  I even like Fargo, though I confess I’ve only seen an edited version on cable.  (Sacrilege for a film fan, I know.)  So I was both excited and a little leery about this dark comedy. 

  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 82 Comments