daniel radcliffe

Casting Notes: Spidey and Iron Man Both Bail

Chick 1 says:

Some shocking and not so shocking news from the roster of upcoming films.

tobeymaguireSpiderman 4 is not happening.  Director Sam Raimi has left the project and the franchise and as a result, so has Tobey Maguire et al.  Sony and Columbia plan to reboot the series, sending Peter Parker back to high school.  There’s a nice article about these developments over at Cinematical.com

I have to say I’m relieved.  I really enjoyed the first two movies and Maguire was a perfect Parker.  But it was obvious in Spiderman 3 that the franchise was falling prey to the Hollywood machine.  The script was all over the place and performances seemed phoned in. 

Now the comment boards are abuzz with fan based ideas on who should be the next Spidey.    Among the contenders are Zac Efron(I think he can act but he might be too pretty), Jim Sturgess (he’s got the look), Anton Yelchin (a personal fav but don’t steal him away from Star Trek!), Daniel Radcliffe (hmmm…I don’t know, not sure he wants another franchise or to go back to high school), Robert Pattinson (just stop it now), Jake Gyllenhaal (who almost replaced Maguire before but I think hes’ too old now), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (LUV him…maybe),  and Josh Hutcherson (whom you’ve seen in kid roles like Bridge to Terabithia, he might be ripe for a high school role).

Who do you think should be the next Spiderman?

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 99 Comments

Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Chick 1 says:halfbloodprince

Based on the sixth book in the series, Half-Blood Prince is my favorite.  We get loads of info on Voldemort thanks to Dumbledore and his cabinet full of memories and Harry finally gets a clue about who his true love is.

The Basics: When Harry returns to Hogwarts for his sixth year, Dumbledore begins to train him in earnest for a final showdown with Voldemort and gives him an important mission concerning the new Potions Master.  Conveniently, Harry is acing Potions class with the help of a mysterious but ominous textbook.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 150 Comments

Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Chick 1 says:orderofthephoenix

The fifth and my favorite in the series so far, I watched this last night with a friend who hadn’t seen it yet.  We were preping for the upcoming July release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth movie and number one on my I Can’t Wait List for summer.

The Basics: Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts is a bleak one indeed but he also begins to grow into the leader he’s destined to be.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 186 Comments