date night

Review: Date Night

Chick 1 says:datenight

The Basics: Tina Fey & Steve Carrell combine their entertainment super powers to play a married couple on a date night (need I say “Spoiler”?) that goes very, very wrong.

What I Liked:  Obviously, the stars.  Carrell & Fey are both funny & smart and together they create a kind of vortex of hilarious.  Each of them excels at playing very normal suburbia types  that most of us relate to who are put in outrageous situations  and that’s the case here.  There were moments that, honestly, in the script weren’t that funny but these actors made them awesome.  The outtakes at the end are proof that the funny is all about the actors.

What I Didn’t Like: The movie does have its moments when the humor falls short.  And both the script and the pace is sometimes uneven.

Bottom Line:  Not the funniest movie ever but if you make me wheeze when I laugh and then laugh later that night when I’m trying to fall asleep, you get my vote!

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 5 Comments