david tennant

I Can’t Wait!: The Hobbit

Chick 1 says:thehobbit

In case you didn’t know, they are currently filming J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit in New Zealand.  After several years of pre-production woes, lawsuits, and a revolving door of directors, filming finally started in March. Peter Jackson, who was originally slated as producer, is directing. All is well with the world. The man who spent more than a decade bringing The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to the screen should be in charge of its prequel. The Lord of the Rings had a huge impact on me creatively, spiritually, and in many other ways.  The commitment, passion, craftsmanship, and excellence poured into that story is inspiring.  And it appears the same care is being taken with The Hobbit. As proof, I offer this squeal-inducing video published on The Hobbit Blog a few months ago which you can watch here.

I’m happy to report that a huge number of the original cast are returning, at least appropriate cast.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 151 Comments

Review: Doctor Who – NS1: E9/E10

Silence in the Library/ The Forest of the Deaddw-silence_forest

Chick 1 says:

As Doctor Who is my new obsession, I’ve been wanting to start reviewing episodes.  I’ve seen the whole 1st season (of the New Series) and all of seasons 5 & 6 (so far) but although the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) is my favorite (“You never forget your first Doctor.”), I’ve only seen a smattering of seasons 2-4.  This 2 parter was one of the first Doctor Who episodes I watched.  Having seen it again recently while introducing my friends to the series, I decided to start my reviews here.  (Enough parenthesis for ya?)

The Basics: The Doctor and current companion, Donna, answer a call for help in a massive library that is actually a man-made planet.  There they find a team on expedition led by Professor River Song (Alex Kingston), a computer that has “saved” 4022 people, a child who may or may not be in charge of the library, and swarms of flesh-eating aliens in the shadows.  Ya know, typical Doctor Who fare. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in TV 399 Comments