
Troperiffic Tuesday!: Heroic Blue Screen of Death

Chick 1 says:

If you’re unfamiliar with the Blue Screen of Death then you are a very lucky computer user…or a mac user.  The Blue Screen of Death appears when your pc is crashing to inform you that basically you’re screwed.  It’s Microsoft’s merry little way of saying, “You’re computer’s going away for awhile and you won’t be allowed to visit.”  When people are shocked they can go into a sort of Blue Screen of Death (hereafter known as the BSOD).  This trope is oftened used when the story is moving into the final act and it’s know as the Heroic BSOD. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 1 Comment

Troperiffic Tuesday: Suspiciously Specific Denial

Chick 1 say:

Thanks for checking in again on Troperiffic Tuesday.  This week’s trope is another fun one, the Suspiciously Specific Denial.

A Suspiciously Specific Denial is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.  A character denies something but perhaps they add just a little too much detail to make it believable.  It’s a step beyond a character jumping when someone walks into a room and yelling, “Nothing!”.   And it is somewhat akin to a trope often used in detective shows called I Never Said It Was Poison, where the suspect throws in a detail that only the killer could know. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 478 Comments

Troperiffic Tuesday: The Noodle Incident

Chick 1 says:

OK, so it’s really Troperiffic Wednesday; I’m a bit late.  But this week’s trope is one of my favorites.  It’s called The Noodle Incident and we all have a few in our past.  Ready to remember yours?

(If you don’t know what a trope is you can find out here.)

The Noodle Incident refers to an occurance in a character’s past or a shared occurence in multiple characters’ past that remains unknown to the audience.  It can be silly, shameful, illegal, outrageous, traumatic, ridiculous, or a combination of any of the above.  It’s named after the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon pictured here.  (Just what did Calvin do?) Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 108 Comments