george clooney

Troperiffic Tuesday: Suspiciously Specific Denial

Chick 1 say:

Thanks for checking in again on Troperiffic Tuesday.  This week’s trope is another fun one, the Suspiciously Specific Denial.

A Suspiciously Specific Denial is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.  A character denies something but perhaps they add just a little too much detail to make it believable.  It’s a step beyond a character jumping when someone walks into a room and yelling, “Nothing!”.   And it is somewhat akin to a trope often used in detective shows called I Never Said It Was Poison, where the suspect throws in a detail that only the killer could know. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 534 Comments

Trailer Trash: Inception & The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Chick 1 say:leonardo_dicaprio

A couple of new fascinating trailers.  Enjoy!

Inception: Leonardo Dicaprio in a Christopher Nolan movie?  Yes please!  Throw in Joseph Gordon-Levitt?!  I may wet myself.  This physics-bending teaser brings to mind The Matrix but I trust director Nolan to be more original than that.  Have a peak. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 171 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

A couple of rumors floating around tinsel town.  These are very early so they may never materialize.

Old News: These days it seems anything from old TV shows to video games to board games to amusement park rides is up for translation to the big screen. There have even been whispers of a Facebook movie which I thought had to have been one of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever heard. But recently a script has surfaced, at Forbes of all places, by none other than Aaron Sorkin. You’re probably familiar with a few of his smaller projects…like West Wing and A Few Good Men. He’s really a talented smart writer and the story is apparently about Facebook founder, not just the site, so it could have some serious potential.

georgeNew News: And from the yummy department, there’s a new rumor that George Clooney has expressed an interest in picking up the abandoned Jack Ryan franchise with himself in the lead and is looking for a writer. I personally don’t think the franchise has ever reached its full potential even with the rather large collection of dashing men to play Ryan.  Alec Baldwin was my favorite Jack, in one of his few good guy roles, and The Hunt for Red October was a fantastic movie.  I didn’t think any of the following movies were as good.  I certainly like Harrison Ford in the role but always missed Baldwin.  I have recently watched Patriot Games on TV several times and the movie & Ford’s Jack are growing on me.  Sum of All Fears was, in my opinion, mediocre.  Sorry, Ben.  But I think Clooney could have what it takes.  He’s the proper age; no more youthful Ryans, he can act, and he can carry intensity.  We’ll see about the action.  I hope this is one rumor that proves true.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 35 Comments

Review: Michael Clayton

Chick 1 says:michaelclayton

Having seen Good Night and Good Luck on my RDJ list, I decided to add some George Clooney movies to my queue.  And this Oscar nominated thriller was next.

What I Liked: Quite a lot.  This is an intelligent, smooth thriller.  The story quietly moves along letting the tension rumble beneath the surface.  Read more

Posted on by admin in Reviews, The 2000s 112 Comments

Review: Good Night, and Good Luck

Chick 1 says:goodnightandgoodluck4

In my continuing quest to see the movies of Robert Downey Jr, I came across this ensemble piece directed by George Clooney, based on the true story of Edward Murrow’s confrontation with Senator Joseph McCarthy. Read more

Posted on by admin in Reviews, The 2000s 1 Comment

Review: Burn After Reading

Things aren't going well for Brad

Things aren't going well for Brad

Chick 1 says:
While I certainly appreciate the talent of the Coen Brothers, I can’t exactly call myself an expert or even necessarily a fan.  My personal taste in movies doesn’t usually gravitate toward dark or graphic violence so that eliminates quite a few of the Coens’ major films, including last year’s No Country For Old Men, from my sphere of enjoyment.  However, I have enjoyed their comedies quite a bit.  O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Raising Arizona are among my favorite movies.  I even like Fargo, though I confess I’ve only seen an edited version on cable.  (Sacrilege for a film fan, I know.)  So I was both excited and a little leery about this dark comedy. 

  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 82 Comments