guy ritchie

Randomness: Interview with Hans Zimmer

Chick 1 says:hans-zimmer

Hans Zimmer is one of my favorite composers and I know I’m not alone in that feeling.  He’s an incredibly prolific and varied writer.  From Twister & Driving Miss Daisy to The Lion King & Prince of Egypt to Gladiator and Pirates of the Caribbean, his work is really amazing.  Gladiator & Pirates are two of my favorites of his and I tend to associate him with big epic scores.  But his work is not as easily identified as John Williams or James Horner (whom I can sometimes identify by a single chord).  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 1,081 Comments

Review: Sherlock Holmes

Chick 1 says:sherlockholmes2

Merry Christmas to me!  Sherlock Holmes is out & it stars 2 very attractive men.  Hee, hee.

The Basics:  I’m assuming you know Sherlock from all the books, movies, and slew of cultural references (my favorite being “No s**t, Sherlock.”).  Here Guy Ritchie directs the latest update on the Victorian sleuth with Robert Downey Jr in the lead and Jude Law as Watson. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 117 Comments

I Can’t Wait: First Trailer from Sherlock Holmes

Chick 1 says:sherlockholmes

Oh joy!  The first trailer from Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes was released yesterday.  We already knew that this was not going to be your usual Holmes whodunit.  With Robert Downey Jr cast as Holmes, Jude Law as Watson, and Ritchie at the helm, this was going to be a grittier and probably funnier Holmes.  I was expecting something dark & brooding but with an underlying humor but after the trailer debuted at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin in March, the buzz said that this was more of a buddy comedy.  It is definitely very un-Holmes but I think it looks like fun.  It certainly may offend Holmes purists.  See for yourself.  Trailer will play with Terminator Salvation this weekend.  The movie opens Christmas 2009.


Posted on by admin in I Can't Wait! 223 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

Here are some recent (& not so recent) tidbits on casting upcoming projects.  Enjoy.

New News – Iron Man 2:  So reports are out that Terrence Howard is not returning to Iron Man 2 but will be replaced by Don Cheadle.  My first temper-tantrum like reaction is, “NOOOOOOOOOOO!  NOOOOOOO….. wait…Don…Don Cheadle…….that….that could be…”  While Robert Downey Jr’s performance & Jon Favreau’s direction & commitment to invisible CGI were the top reasons for Iron Man’s success, Downey was also backed up by a solid supporting cast.  I enjoyed Howard as Stark’s friend & military liaison James Rhodes, especially seeing a high ranking colonel with his strange little girl voice.  But let’s face it, Don Cheadle is an amazing actor & can easily fill & maybe even improve the role.  While I will miss what Howard would have done as War Machine, I very much look forward to seeing what Cheadle will do.

In a side note, while on tour promoting Tropic Thunder, RDJ reported that when the first pictures of him in black-face came out, Cheadle called him & asked, “Are you playing the black me?”

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