ian mckellan

Quote of the Week

Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.

Gandalf (Ian McKellan)

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 6,499 Comments

Quote of the Week

The coming of Merry and Pippin will be as the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains.

Gandalf (Ian McKellan)

The Two Towers (2002)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 125 Comments

Quote of the Week

Farewell, my brave hobbits.  I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.

Gandalf (Ian McKellan)

The Return of the King (2003)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 4 Comments

I Can’t Wait!: The Hobbit

Chick 1 says:thehobbit

In case you didn’t know, they are currently filming J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit in New Zealand.  After several years of pre-production woes, lawsuits, and a revolving door of directors, filming finally started in March. Peter Jackson, who was originally slated as producer, is directing. All is well with the world. The man who spent more than a decade bringing The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to the screen should be in charge of its prequel. The Lord of the Rings had a huge impact on me creatively, spiritually, and in many other ways.  The commitment, passion, craftsmanship, and excellence poured into that story is inspiring.  And it appears the same care is being taken with The Hobbit. As proof, I offer this squeal-inducing video published on The Hobbit Blog a few months ago which you can watch here.

I’m happy to report that a huge number of the original cast are returning, at least appropriate cast.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 151 Comments

Review: The Scarlet Pimpernel

Chick 1 says:scarlettpimpernel

I have loved the television version of The Scarlet Pimpernel since high school.  It came out 27 years ago.  And I am officially old.

What I Liked:  This is romance at its best.  Intrigue, adventure, agonizing obstacles.  There are moments in the story when you want to yell at the screen, “Turn around!”  or “Tell him!”  Sigh.  Read more

Posted on by admin in Reviews, The 1980s 1,806 Comments

Quote of the Week

Many that live deserve death.  Some that die deserve life.  Can you give it to them, Frodo?

Gandalf (Ian McKellan)

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 553 Comments