ian mcshane

Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Chick 1 says:on_stranger_tides1

The fourth installment of the Pirates franchise has Johnny Depp & a few minor characters returning while picking up a lot of new players.  Have they been able to capture the magic again?

The Basics: Let’s start with a rundown of the previous Pirates movies.  I really enjoyed the original, The Curse of the Black Pearl.  Sure, it had some script/pacing problems in the third act.  But at its heart it was a pretty good mindless action movie.  Then adding Johnny Depp’s serendipitous turn as Jack Sparrow (that’s Captain Jack Sparrow) turned it into a blockbuster and a blast!  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 5 Comments

I Can’t Wait: The Long Cold Winter

Let’s face it.  January and February are the nuclear waste dump of Hollywood.  A period when movies whose releases have been pushed further and further back because they couldn’t compete with whatever else was being released, movies that have disappointed studio execs, movies that studios don’t know what to do with, and movies that just have no one to believe in them find themselves finally showing to audiences.

Add to this the romantic comedy season leading up Valentine’s (a genre I’ll talk about in an upcoming blog) and choices at the theater can seem kind of bleak. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 88 Comments