iron man 3

Trailer Trash/I Can’t Wait!: Iron Man 3

Chick 1 says:

In penance for there being no trope this week, I offer up this newly released trailer for Iron Man 3.

As Iron Man 2, while still fun, was a bit of a step down quality wise from the first movie, I haven’t been quite as excited about this.  But Downey was a blast in The Avengers and this trailer puts Iron Man 3 squarely back on the I Can’t Wait List.

It…looks…AWESOME!  Ooo, Pepper in distress, Tony’s hair, seriously creepy iron man suit with no Tony!  Yay!  And what’s up with the huge bunny in the back of the explosion?  Watch it again.  You’ll see.

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait!, Trailer Trash 404 Comments