james bond

Troperiffic Tuesday!: Stuff Blowing Up

Chick 1 says:

In continuing to explore my friend’s own personal genre of Men of Honor Blowing Stuff Up, this week we look at … Stuff Blowing Up.  Explosions are such a staple of movies that they are basically a subgenre of tropes.  And the reason for their rampant use isn’t nearly so deep or complicated; explosions are cool and people, especially men, like them.  They’re an awesome way to anchor an action set piece and they look great visually.  Should you put explosions in your movie?  Unless you’re working on a Jane Austen adaptation the answer is yes!  And even then you should at least consider it.  (I think I just invented my own genre.) Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 9,389 Comments

Trailer Trash: Skyfall

Chick 1 says:

Yippee!  And yummy!

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 139 Comments

Review: Quantum of Solace

Chick 1 says:285_quantum_silence_102208

Yummy Daniel Craig follows his debut as James Bond in Casino Royale.  Did I notice anything in the movie besides the ludicrously attractive Craig?  Surprisingly, yes!

What I Liked: The movie goes straight to the action, and it doesn’t let up.  Director Marc Forster employs the increasingly popular handheld camera to capture the fights & it really gets you inside the action.  The plot is driven in quick terse scenes, barely giving you time to catch your breath before you’re pulled into the next sequence of bone crunching stunts.  Things move fast & the ride is awesome.  The cast does a fine job & there are some very nice cinematic storytelling moments from both director & cinematographer. Read more

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 125 Comments

I Can’t Wait!: Australia, The Soloist, & Quantum of Solace

Fall is here & that means – Oscar season!  Yes, a few inspirational films scattered throughout a bunch of movies to slit-your-wrists-by.  Guess which ones I prefer.

On the heels of Oscar season comes the holiday movie season.  Blockbuster tentpole releases, family films (some crappy, some fun), & a few Oscar stragglers.

Here are a few upcoming releases that I’m excited about.  Hmmm… they all come out within 5 days of each other.

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Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 144 Comments