james franco

Review: Oz the Great and Powerful

Chick 1 says:oz-the-great-and-powerful

The idea of this movie always intrigued me.  Seemed like a good idea but the more I saw of the ads the more the movie itself seemed…meh.  Unfortunately, my suspicions were accurate.

First let me say that Oz is gorgeous.  The sets, costumes, and most of the visual effects are a treat.  There are a lot of great ideas here, some clever thoughts on how the Wizard came to be.  And I have to admit the final resolution was satisfying.  But getting there was a slow painful trip. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 48,247 Comments

Randomness: Oscar Notes

Chick 1 says:oscar2

I wasn’t going to start this rundown of the telecast until it actually started at 7:30 CST.  But after what just happened on the red carpet, it’s time to start.

5:50 pm: All six children from the cast of Slumdog Millionaire being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest.  Was that not the most adorable thing ever?!  I could have eaten them all for dessert.  Closely followed by the other cast members from Slumdog, all humble, excited, and a little giddy.  And they seem to handling the whirlwind surrounding their film quite well.  I hope this movie wins Best Picture! Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 3,327 Comments