joseph gordon-levitt

2012: Best Moments in a Theater

Chick 1 says:les-miserables-anne-hathaway

It’s that time of year again; a time to revisit the year’s highlights in filmmaking.  SPOILERS follow so I would recommend reading the tags to make sure you’ve seen all the movies listed here.

And without any further ado: Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Year in Review 710 Comments

Short Takes: Looper

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept:  A+  Mind-bending time-travel concepts, original idea, great casting, disturbing yet probable enough to keep me thinking about it days later.

Acting: A

Script: A-   Not quite but almost predictable.  But not until it happened did I realize that’s what was going to happen.  ;)

Cinematography: A

Hotness of Cast:  A (would have been an A+ except Joseph Gordon-Levitt is actually hotter as himself than he is as Bruce Willis)

Wardrobe: A  Modern, retro, current, futuristic.  Believable.

Location/Setting:  A  Again, believable as the not too distant future.

Climax:  hands-over-eyes A, but I did utter the phrase, I knew it.

Special Effects: A  Good futuristic green screen and CGI effects, right down to the, extremely believable and ultra violent, numerous deaths.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 21,722 Comments

Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Chick 1 says:

I think I’m in love…with Christopher Nolan.  Dense plotlines, complex characters, nuanced performances; those are the way to win this girl’s heart!  And Nolan delivers.  At one point I wondered if I were watching the perfect movie.  The answer is no; it’s not the perfect movie.  But it is fricking fantastic!

Not that this love will interfere with my slightly inappropriate crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt. There was one point during the movie that I wanted to literally lick his face. (Is that too much information?)  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 117 Comments

Trailer Trash: Looper

Chick 1 says:

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis playing the same character at different ages?  Yes, please!  Throw in some Emily Blunt and time travel and I am there.

Gordon-Levitt plays a hitman who kills targets sent back from the future.  But one day the target sent back is…him.  Oops.  Check it out.

Looks a litte intense for me but there are enough people I like to get me there.  Director Rian Johnson wrote the script.  He also directed two other movies that I haven’t seen but have always wanted to; Brick (a film noir set in high school and also starring Gordon-Levitt) and The Brothers Bloom (quirky caper with another amazing cast).  Time for a viewing party.

Looper opens September 28th.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 48,174 Comments

Review: Inception

Chick 1 says: inception

This has been one of my most anticipated movies of this year (and that includes Iron Man 2).  The first trailer was so intriguing, and considering director Christopher Nolan’s ability to beautifully weave intricate plots with complex themes, when the big marketing push started a few weeks ago, I purposely avoided the new footage so I wouldn’t figure anything out.  I’m glad I did but turns out, it didn’t matter. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 83 Comments

Randomness: A Few Thoughts on the Golden Globes

Chick 1 says:joseph-gordon-levitt

The Golden Globes were Sunday night and while I didn’t do a blow by blow blog (& probably won’t for the Oscars either)  I will offer a few scattered ramblings.

First off, of course I’m thrilled that my boy Downey Jr won Best Actor in Comedy/Musical for Sherlock Holmes.  It’s great to see him so happy & his charming speech was one of the highlights of the night.  But while his performance was awesome, I’m not sure he should have won.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 51 Comments

Casting Notes: Spidey and Iron Man Both Bail

Chick 1 says:

Some shocking and not so shocking news from the roster of upcoming films.

tobeymaguireSpiderman 4 is not happening.  Director Sam Raimi has left the project and the franchise and as a result, so has Tobey Maguire et al.  Sony and Columbia plan to reboot the series, sending Peter Parker back to high school.  There’s a nice article about these developments over at

I have to say I’m relieved.  I really enjoyed the first two movies and Maguire was a perfect Parker.  But it was obvious in Spiderman 3 that the franchise was falling prey to the Hollywood machine.  The script was all over the place and performances seemed phoned in. 

Now the comment boards are abuzz with fan based ideas on who should be the next Spidey.    Among the contenders are Zac Efron(I think he can act but he might be too pretty), Jim Sturgess (he’s got the look), Anton Yelchin (a personal fav but don’t steal him away from Star Trek!), Daniel Radcliffe (hmmm…I don’t know, not sure he wants another franchise or to go back to high school), Robert Pattinson (just stop it now), Jake Gyllenhaal (who almost replaced Maguire before but I think hes’ too old now), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (LUV him…maybe),  and Josh Hutcherson (whom you’ve seen in kid roles like Bridge to Terabithia, he might be ripe for a high school role).

Who do you think should be the next Spiderman?

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 99 Comments

I Can’t Wait: Two New Full Fledged Trailers

Chick 1 says:alice2

We’ve finally move from teasers to trailers for two of my most anticipated features of the New Year. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 1,411 Comments

Quote of the Week


Tom Hanson (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)

(500) Days of Summer (2009)

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Trailer Trash: Inception & The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Chick 1 say:leonardo_dicaprio

A couple of new fascinating trailers.  Enjoy!

Inception: Leonardo Dicaprio in a Christopher Nolan movie?  Yes please!  Throw in Joseph Gordon-Levitt?!  I may wet myself.  This physics-bending teaser brings to mind The Matrix but I trust director Nolan to be more original than that.  Have a peak. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 171 Comments