joseph gordon-levitt

Review: (500) Days of Summer

Chick 1 says:500daysofsummer

One of the smaller films on my I Can’t Wait! list, this Sundance entry took a while to come to a theater nearby.  But I finally managed to see it and I was not disappointed.

The Basics: As the opening narration says, this is a story of boy meets girl but it is not a love story.  

What I Liked: Pretty much everything.  This is a fantastic lovely story, funny and touching.  It showcases two of my favorite rising stars, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (that kid from Third Rock from the Sun) and Zooey Deschanel (the girl from Elf) and they both give wonderful performances.   Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 101 Comments

Review: G.I. Joe

Chick 1 says:gijoe

First off, apologies for the long silence.

Now on to G.I. Joe, which I can describe in one word, and I truly mean this as a compliment, …craptastic!  OK, I totally stole that description of the movie from, but it’s completely accurate.

The Basics: Have no idea how to sum this up.  Elite group of soldiers, bad guys, stolen weapons, secret training lairs, blah, blah blah.  If you’ve watched the cartoon or read the comics, you know.  If you haven’t, you’ll catch on quickly. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 477 Comments

I Can’t Wait: It’s Summer!!!! Part 3

Chick 1 says:

Yes, I skipped Part 2. Part 2 was supposed to be about June releases but as far as June movies were concerned….turns out, I could wait.  I actually wrote a Part 2 draft but it was the most boring thing I’ve ever written.  I decided to spare you.  Happily, July is looking much more promising.

public-enemiesPublic Enemies: Johnny Depp & Christian Bale? Say no more.  I’m in.  Make it a period piece & throw in Marion Cotillard?  Color me very interested.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 113 Comments