lucas haas

Review: Inception

Chick 1 says: inception

This has been one of my most anticipated movies of this year (and that includes Iron Man 2).  The first trailer was so intriguing, and considering director Christopher Nolan’s ability to beautifully weave intricate plots with complex themes, when the big marketing push started a few weeks ago, I purposely avoided the new footage so I wouldn’t figure anything out.  I’m glad I did but turns out, it didn’t matter. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 83 Comments

I Can’t Wait: Two New Full Fledged Trailers

Chick 1 says:alice2

We’ve finally move from teasers to trailers for two of my most anticipated features of the New Year. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 1,407 Comments