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I Can’t Wait: First Trailer from Sherlock Holmes

Chick 1 says:sherlockholmes

Oh joy!  The first trailer from Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes was released yesterday.  We already knew that this was not going to be your usual Holmes whodunit.  With Robert Downey Jr cast as Holmes, Jude Law as Watson, and Ritchie at the helm, this was going to be a grittier and probably funnier Holmes.  I was expecting something dark & brooding but with an underlying humor but after the trailer debuted at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin in March, the buzz said that this was more of a buddy comedy.  It is definitely very un-Holmes but I think it looks like fun.  It certainly may offend Holmes purists.  See for yourself.  Trailer will play with Terminator Salvation this weekend.  The movie opens Christmas 2009.


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