movie review

Short Takes Revisits: LA Confidential

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept:  A

Acting: A+  Some of the best.  When you began to realize just how good Russell Crowe would be.

Script: A+  It’s got it all and keeps you guessing.

Cinematography:  A  Oscar nominated.

Hotness of Cast:  B  Corruption is not that hot.

Wardrobe:  A

Location/Setting:  A

Climax:  A

Still one of the best there is.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 1990s 356 Comments

Short Takes: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Chick 2 says: 

Overall Concept:  B   Well played, but been done.

Acting: A  These kids have it, all of them.

Script:  A-  (good adaptation from book to screen, with a few necessary and maybe not necessary changes)

Cinematography:  B-  Meh

Hotness of Cast:  A  All cuties

Wardrobe:   B-  Is it the 80’s, the 90’s or modern day?  Maybe things looked different in Pittsburgh in ’91.

Location/Setting:  B  Good suburbia

Climax:  B+  Maybe an A if you didn’t read the book, but if you’re gonna go there, go there.  I’m pretty sure the kids could have handled it, as well as most of the audience.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s Leave a comment

Short Takes: Looper

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept:  A+  Mind-bending time-travel concepts, original idea, great casting, disturbing yet probable enough to keep me thinking about it days later.

Acting: A

Script: A-   Not quite but almost predictable.  But not until it happened did I realize that’s what was going to happen.  ;)

Cinematography: A

Hotness of Cast:  A (would have been an A+ except Joseph Gordon-Levitt is actually hotter as himself than he is as Bruce Willis)

Wardrobe: A  Modern, retro, current, futuristic.  Believable.

Location/Setting:  A  Again, believable as the not too distant future.

Climax:  hands-over-eyes A, but I did utter the phrase, I knew it.

Special Effects: A  Good futuristic green screen and CGI effects, right down to the, extremely believable and ultra violent, numerous deaths.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 21,723 Comments

Short Takes: Prometheus

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept:  B-    I feel like I’ve seen most of this before, in either Leviathan or Mission to Mars.  But I did like the “where do we come from” concept

Acting: A   Especially Fassbender as creepy robot David, please see here.

Script:  B

Cinematography:  A

Hotness of Cast:  C    Fassbender, normally hot, is just creepy.  The one hot guy is kind of a jerk.  Idris Elba is hot with confidence.

Wardrobe: A    Cool quasi-space attire

Location:  A    Is that really Iceland, or an actual unknown planet?

Climax:  B+     A bit stretched out

Special Effects: A+  and yikes

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 1 Comment

Short Takes: Snow White and the Huntsman

We are happy to announce the return of…

Chick 2!

Who says:

Snow White and the Huntsman
Or, what I like to call, Missed Opportunity


Overall Concept:  A

Acting: A-  (I think Kristen Stewart might could act, if she were ever given any lines to

Script: B- (saved a C by its original take on an old fairy tale)

Cinematography: A

Hotness of Cast: A+

Wardrobe: A (Colleen Atwood, hello?)

Location: A

Climax: C

Special Effects: A-

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 4 Comments

Review: The Hunger Games

Chick 1 says:

Have you read the books?  I haven’t but I’m surrounded by friends who have.  The ads for this movie were exciting and powerful.  I was really looking forward to it.  Here’s what I thought:

The Basics:

 In a dystopian future, North America is divided into 12 districts oppressed by The Capital and forced to offer up two teenagers each year for a televised fight to the death.

What I Liked: 

 Quite a bit.  It’s obvious the source material is rich.  This is a great and disturbing look at oppression, fear, and entertainment.  The cast is solid, especially Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss. Girl can kick ass!  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 695 Comments

Review: John Carter

Chick 1 says:

Adaptations of this nearly 100-yr-old novel have been attempted over the years but none by a studio with the heavy lifting capabilities of  Disney.  The original novel, written by Tarzan author Edgar Rice Burroughs, is generally considered sci-fi but defies categorization and has influenced storytellers through the century from H.P. Lovecraft to Ray Bradbury to George Lucas and James Cameron.

The Basics:

Shortly after the US Civil War, John Carter has run afoul of both the Calvary and the Apaches but in the ensuing chaos, he suddenly finds himself in a strange land, discovers he is unbelievably fast and strong, and is soon surronded by green, 4-armed creatures.  Yep, he’s on Mars. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 572 Comments

Review: The Artist

Chick 1 says:

From its premiere at Cannes, The Artist has been getting rave reviews and whispers (now shouts) of Oscars have been following it around.  Time to check out this modern day silent movie.

The Basics:  Filmed in color and converted to black and white, the story follows a movie star on the top of his game in the silent era when the talkies threaten his career.

What I Liked:  The word to describe this film; charming.  From start to finish, it’s a delightful little story.  The two leads are likable and the story calls out to many classic or silent era movies.  The most obvious of these is Singing in the Rain, one of my all time favorites.  That alone is enough to win me over.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 431 Comments

Review: This Means War

Chick 1 says:

The Basics: Friends and fellow spies Tuck (Tom Hardy – yum) and FDR (Chris Pine), accidently fall in love with the same woman.  Let the games begin!  How will poor Reese Witherspoon ever decide between two gorgeous guys who are crazy about her? 

What I Liked: This is a fun movie.  Honestly, the main reason I went to see it was the two leads, very easy on the eyes.  And I gotta say, Ms Witherspoon isn’t looking too bad either.  The movie, directed by McG, has his typical bright saturated colors and “Miami CSI” lighting.  In other words, the movie’s pretty too.  It’s never boring, all the leads are likable, and there are just the right amount of twists and turns. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 96 Comments

Review: The Adventures of Tintin

Chick 1 says:

It’s taken me a month to get the theater to check out  the first of two  movies Mr. Spielberg has out right now. Despite the credits reading like a who’s who of my favorite storytellers (Peter Jackson, Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright), I was only somewhat interested in the story but very interested in the animation. 

The Basics: Based on a Belgian comic book series popular during the 1930′s, the story follows the  many adventures of its title character, Tintin (that’s pretty much what it says) an intrepid young reporter.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 693 Comments