new release

Review: Sunshine

Chick 2 says:

Director Danny Boyle definitely has a style about his movies (Trainspotting, Millions, the Beach), and I always enjoy the way he likes to push barriers.  Sunshine is a film that brings up philosophical questions about creation, natural selection, and preservation of life in a sci-fi setting.  Eight astronauts are on their way to a dying sun carrying a nuclear bomb with which they hope to restart it, the second mission following a mysteriously failed first attempt.  The closer we get to the end the further off the deep end this film steps, not quite to the extreme of 2001: A Space Odyssey.  (As far as landmark films go, I get Citizen Kane; I don’t get 2001.)  Perhaps some needed exposition was cut from the beginning of the story in order to quicken a still slow start, but the hand-held close-ups of the actors during the climax only adds to the confusion.  “Is he trying to get away or running to his death?”  It was hard to tell.  In the end you realize that this movie is actually “pro global-warming” – apparently death by solar fire is beautiful and pleasurable.  The cinematography is very stylistic, gorgeous, and just plain cool, as were the CGI effects.  There are also good performances by the cast and it’s nice to see Cillian Murphy, who I think is a decent actor, in a good guy role.


IF you like stylish, weird, philosophical, and not entirely lucid, THEN GO (rent it).

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 200 Comments

Review: Body of Lies

Chick 2 says:

If 1+1+1=3, then in movie math Leonardo DiCaprio + Russell Crowe + Ridley Scott should = great film.  But Body of Lies just doesn’t quite add up.  It is well acted, at times intense, and there’s nothing wrong with the direction or the cinematography, but it is not packing a punch.  Crowe’s character is in charge of CIA Intelligence in the Middle East and DiCaprio plays his man on the ground in Jordan.  Crowe, who is generally watching the action unfold via satellite sitting inside Langley, only knows his bottom line in the goal to get intel and hopefully apprehend the world’s most wanted terrorists, while DiCaprio is in the middle of the fray and the culture witnessing first hand the personal collateral damage that is brought about on the way to the bottom line.  While I would now watch a movie about paint drying if Leo was in it, and I consider Crowe one of the best actors of our time, it has to be the script that falls short this time.  The movie seems long, the intrigue expected, and though there is the required near-death experience, there is no unexpected climax.  However, the fact that what takes place in this movie must happen every single day in that real world makes you ponder things for a quite a while after you leave the theater.  It does make an impression.


IF you don’t mind that 1+1+1= 2.5, THEN GO.

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 147 Comments

Review: the Duchess

Chick 2 says:

Hoping for something a little more historical or, in these times, political, or even something as different as Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette, The Duchess was somewhat disappointing.  Based on the true story and adapted from the Amanda Foreman novel Georgiana, the Duchess of Devonshire, the story quickly dissipates into soap opera love stories rather than epic romances. At her first dinner party engagement the Duchess voices her political views and gives hope for a more intelligent and meaningful movie, but just as abruptly as the Duke leaves the table apparently bored with political rhetoric, the script leaves behind depth and underlying story.   Kiera Knightly gives yet another impressive performance, and Dominic Cooper is proving that he could quickly rise to the same ranks.  Ralph Fiennes can always make you love him or hate him and gives another stellar performance as the Duke of Devonshire.  With such extravagant sets, wardrobe, and actors I would have thought that the script, camera work, and continuity would have been better, but good acting goes a long way.  As the love triangles unfold, it just makes a girl thankful not to be married into royalty, especially in the 1700’s.


IF you are looking for yet another period piece about adultery and bearing a male heir with talented actors doing their thing, THEN GO.

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 88 Comments

Review: Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist

Chick 2 says:

In the refreshing generation of movies like Juno, Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist is good, but not great.  Two high schoolers dealing with the usual heartache of the teenage years find what they are looking for in each other during one night of trying to prove who they are to the rest of their teenage world.  Michael Cera is as endearing as ever, immediately likeable, and plays confident nerd superbly.  Up-and-comer Kat Dennings is all at once vulnerable and strong and delivers her down to earth but quippy lines with relatability.  While music is a definite factor, it doesn’t play as big of a character in the movie as much as I would have hoped given the title.  I did however pick up a few possibilities for my iPod.  The supporting cast also adds something to the layers, including drunk friend Ari Graynor and always fun Aaron Yoo.


IF you’re satisfied with clever lines, new actors on the scene, and the latest version of John Hughes teen-angst, THEN GO.

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s Leave a comment

Review: Nights in Rodanthe

Chick 2 says:

In typical Nicholas Sparks form, Nights in Rodanthe delivers all the required chick-flick elements, although a friend of mine has recently termed movies of this particular type “Estrogen Movies”, and this one definitely falls into that category.  Two strangers are thrown together in the midst of their respective mid-life crises and, wait for it, fall in love.  Shocker.  While Richard Gere and Diane Lane give good performances, the script just about pulls them down like the hurricane in the movie that represents “the storms of life.”  Mae Whitman, who plays Lane’s teenage daughter, is one bright spot showing that the memorable performances she’s given since the age of five were no fluke.  The Inn in which the two have their 5-minute romance is gorgeous but I don’t believe the actors ever set foot there, as the lighting indicates that even the ocean was green-screened in.


IF you are waiting for a good rental, or perhaps actually enjoy the sappy melodrama of a Nicholas Sparks’ script, THEN GO.

Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s Leave a comment

Review: The Women

Chick 2 says:
The Women is a movie that celebrates, well, women.  This story is all about women living their lives – with each other, with their family, with their careers, and with men, although the latter cannot be seen anywhere in the film, not even on the camera crew.  Walking though a door opened by Sex and the City, this movie makes a statement about finding out who we are (not some expected cliché of who we ought to be) and being true to that, even if things don’t always end tied up in a pretty little bow.  Just as important as being who we truly are is finding a family of friends who will love, support and accept us along the way.  Hopefully giving a comeback performance, Meg Ryan leaves behind some of her rom-com quirks and builds a character that is somewhat realistic.  Also believable is the conglomerate of the four friends (Annette Benning, Debra Messing, and Jada Pinkett Smith) as they handle their friend’s crisis in the midst of their own day to day.  It’s not a perfect family of friends, but such a support system is necessary, rewarding, and fun to watch. 










IF you want to spend an afternoon or evening celebrating your female relationships, THEN go.


Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 137 Comments

Review: Burn After Reading

Things aren't going well for Brad

Things aren't going well for Brad

Chick 1 says:
While I certainly appreciate the talent of the Coen Brothers, I can’t exactly call myself an expert or even necessarily a fan.  My personal taste in movies doesn’t usually gravitate toward dark or graphic violence so that eliminates quite a few of the Coens’ major films, including last year’s No Country For Old Men, from my sphere of enjoyment.  However, I have enjoyed their comedies quite a bit.  O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Raising Arizona are among my favorite movies.  I even like Fargo, though I confess I’ve only seen an edited version on cable.  (Sacrilege for a film fan, I know.)  So I was both excited and a little leery about this dark comedy. 

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Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 81 Comments