robert downey jr

Trailer Trash/I Can’t Wait!: Iron Man 3

Chick 1 says:

In penance for there being no trope this week, I offer up this newly released trailer for Iron Man 3.

As Iron Man 2, while still fun, was a bit of a step down quality wise from the first movie, I haven’t been quite as excited about this.  But Downey was a blast in The Avengers and this trailer puts Iron Man 3 squarely back on the I Can’t Wait List.

It…looks…AWESOME!  Ooo, Pepper in distress, Tony’s hair, seriously creepy iron man suit with no Tony!  Yay!  And what’s up with the huge bunny in the back of the explosion?  Watch it again.  You’ll see.

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait!, Trailer Trash 444 Comments

Review: The Avengers

Chick 1 says:

When the Avengers was announced way back in 2008, I wasn’t really sold on the concept.  I just didn’t think that it would be possible to successfully combine the different universes in which each of these heroes live.  There was no way that the world that Jon Favreau so lovingly created around Tony Stark contained a Norse God, maybe a hulk, definitely not a 1940s style do-gooder super soldier.  No.  And as each individual movie (Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man 2) came out with varying success, I became even less convinced.

I am very happy to be very wrong. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 92 Comments

Trailer Trash: The Avengers

Chick 1 says:

I admit; I’ve not had high hopes for The Avengers movie.  Despite director Joss Whedon’s reputation and devoted fans (I don’t really know his work but he seems to inspire the kind of fervor I can relate to) it just seems impossible to successfully combine all the different superheros involved and their respective universes with any credibility. 

 The first couple of trailers were OK.  But this latest one has finally peaked my interest.  Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.

What do you think?

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 52 Comments

I Can’t Wait!: New Sherlock Holmes Trailer

Chick 1 says:sherlock-holmes-2

First footage for the Sherlock Holmes sequel premiered on Entertainment Tonight a day or 2 ago, but it’s quality (the footage itself, not the movie) was so poor I didn’t bother with it, knowing the trailer couldn’t be far behind.  And here it is.  I was a little concerned, before viewing, that it might be a bit too explode-y.  I liked the action in the first movie but I don’t think fans want to see the series depart too much from what made Sherlock, well, Sherlock; namely, his wits!  The story still seems like great fun and all the working elements from the first movie seem to be here, especially the chemistry between Holmes & Watson.

Best Line While Hanging From A Moving Train: I’M ON MY (kicks Holmes in butt) HONEYMOON!

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows opens December 16th.

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 350 Comments

Review: Iron Man 2

Chick 1 says:iron-man-2b1

Yay!!!!  It’s time for Iron Man 2.  Can they repeat their success with even more moving parts?  Let’s see!

The Basics:  After outing himself as Iron Man, Tony Stark now has to deal with the added pressure & publicity, the US Government, and a new development with the arc reactor in his chest, and naturally a new round of villains.

What I Liked:  The original cast return with extras and are still having a blast.  Of course, Downey Jr is a hoot whenever he’s onscreen and excels at playing the arrogant ass that is also vulnerable and likeable.  And while I liked Paltrow in the 1st movie I thought she was the weakest part of the original.  But here she is hysterical, even stealing a couple of moments from Downey, not an easy feat.  Cheadle does just fine as the replacement Rhodey and has great chemistry with his co-stars.  Our villains are on fine form too; Sam Rockwell as the cheesy Justin Hammer & Mickey Rourke as the brooding Whiplash.  And even Jon Favreau gets a piece of the action.  The first & third acts move along nicely and the movie never takes itself too seriously.

What I Didn’t Like:  The second act, which was the best part of the original, is actually a little slow in places, even when RDJ is onscreen (which seems impossible).  Scarlett Johanson is stiff and cold and that works for her character sometimes but also feels one dimensional.  There was also one scene in particular that I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be serious but came off as funny.

Bottom Line:  There’s action, comedy, drama, and a bit of romance; the perfect blend for a summer flick.  (Did I mention how cute RDJ looks?)

Posted on by Chick 1 in The 2010s 1,622 Comments

I Can’t Wait: The Earth Shakes Beneath Iron Man 2

Chick 1 says:iron-man-2

Do you hear the rumbling under your feet?  It is the sound of the earth trembling from the sheer awesomeness of the new Iron Man 2 trailer.  It Doth Rocketh.

It premiered during Jimmy Kimmel Life following the Oscars Sunday night.  Do I really need to say it?  I.  Can’t.  Wait.

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 3 Comments

Casting Notes: Bond to Fight Aliens

Chick 1 says:daniel-craig

A few days ago I reported that Robert Downey Jr had dropped out of the scifi-western Cowboys & Aliens due to a scheduling conflict with the Sherlock Holmes sequel.  His replacement has been announced and it is…. (drum roll)… Daniel Craig.  I’m a fan of Daniel Craig’s.  I had never been a huge fan of the James Bond series but Craig & director Martin Campbell won me over when they rebooted with Casino Royale &, in my opinion, Quantum of Solace was even better.  But I’m not sure how this will work with Cowboys & Aliens.  Craig always seems very stern & broody, which has worked for him but it seems that this project might require a sense of humor that is more in line with Downey’s persona.  I’m certainly willing to give Craig the benefit of the doubt and see what he turns out. Also, I’m willing to trust Jon Favreau who has proved himself a capable director.  Cowboys & Aliens is due to be released in 2011.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Casting Notes 1,518 Comments

2009: Best Moments in a Theater

Chick 1 says:star-trek

(I know everyone else is done with “year in review” articles but it is still January…just barely.)

Following a canon-destroying scene, the title card comes up with Michael Giacchino’s magnificent score underneath it. I am about to watch one of the best scifi movies in a long time. (Star Trek)

Pixar creates a perfect 10 minute film with a delightful 86 minute sequel attached. (Up) Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Year in Review 17 Comments

Randomness: Interview with Hans Zimmer

Chick 1 says:hans-zimmer

Hans Zimmer is one of my favorite composers and I know I’m not alone in that feeling.  He’s an incredibly prolific and varied writer.  From Twister & Driving Miss Daisy to The Lion King & Prince of Egypt to Gladiator and Pirates of the Caribbean, his work is really amazing.  Gladiator & Pirates are two of my favorites of his and I tend to associate him with big epic scores.  But his work is not as easily identified as John Williams or James Horner (whom I can sometimes identify by a single chord).  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 1,081 Comments

Randomness: A Few Thoughts on the Golden Globes

Chick 1 says:joseph-gordon-levitt

The Golden Globes were Sunday night and while I didn’t do a blow by blow blog (& probably won’t for the Oscars either)  I will offer a few scattered ramblings.

First off, of course I’m thrilled that my boy Downey Jr won Best Actor in Comedy/Musical for Sherlock Holmes.  It’s great to see him so happy & his charming speech was one of the highlights of the night.  But while his performance was awesome, I’m not sure he should have won.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 51 Comments