russell crowe

Review: Les Miserables

Chick 1 says:les-miserables

Confession: I’ve never seen Les Mis, not other movies, none of the stage productions, never even read the book.  So the plot was a complete unknown for me.  I was surprised at how much story there is and how quickly it moves along.  Even at almost 3 hours, it feels like we barely are introduced to one character or idea before we’re whisked along to the next scene.  (“Oh, she’s destitute already.  OK.”)  This doesn’t mean that there is no depth to the story; the music, acting and, filmmaking make sure you know each person well enough to care what happens to them.  But despite the brisk pace, it does at times seem a bit long. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 504 Comments

Short Takes Revisits: LA Confidential

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept:  A

Acting: A+  Some of the best.  When you began to realize just how good Russell Crowe would be.

Script: A+  It’s got it all and keeps you guessing.

Cinematography:  A  Oscar nominated.

Hotness of Cast:  B  Corruption is not that hot.

Wardrobe:  A

Location/Setting:  A

Climax:  A

Still one of the best there is.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 1990s 353 Comments

I Can’t Wait: Robin Hood Trailer

Chick 1 says:

Finally!  A trailer for Robin Hood, starring Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett and directed by Ridley Scott.  Of course it looks well done.  Love the extreme close of the arrow leaving the bow.  I trust all the names involved but this still looks like lots of other epics out there.  Maybe I’m waiting for the soul of the movie to capture me.

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Quote of the Week

What we do in life echos in eternity.

Maximus (Russell Crowe)

Gladiator (2000)

Posted on by Chick 1 in Movie Quotes 5 Comments

I Can’t Wait: First Fairy Tale Looks

Chick 1 says:

Yippee!  First Looks at 2 upcoming fantasy movies.  Feast your eyes.

Robin Hood: Russell Crowe sports a somewhat Maximus haircut in this new photo from the production.  Yummy.  We’ve also learned that Matthew MacFadyen (Pride & Prejudice) has been cast as the Sherriff of Nottingham.  Interesting. Read more

Posted on by admin in I Can't Wait! 8 Comments

Review: State of Play

Chick 1 says:stateofplay1

Finally!  Back in a theater after being thwarted by my schedule, my budget, & the lack of movies I actually want to see being released.  State of Play wasn’t really high on my must list but it has a great cast so The Flick Chicks gave it a look-see. Read more

Posted on by admin in Reviews, The 2000s Leave a comment

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

Some tidbits from the world of upcoming projects.

cate_blanchettNew & Old News:  Struggling to get on its feet is an on again/off again Robin Hood production called Nottingham that has the potential to be awesome if it can get its act together.  It currently has Ridley Scott attached to direct and his old pal Russell Crowe to star.  There was a rumor circulating for a while that Crowe would actually play both Robin Hood and the Sherriff of Nottingham but the movie is apparently moving in a more traditional direction now with Crowe only playing the hero.  Read more

Posted on by admin in Casting Notes 2 Comments

Casting Notes

Chick 1 says:

Here are some recent (& not so recent) tidbits on casting upcoming projects.  Enjoy.

New News – Iron Man 2:  So reports are out that Terrence Howard is not returning to Iron Man 2 but will be replaced by Don Cheadle.  My first temper-tantrum like reaction is, “NOOOOOOOOOOO!  NOOOOOOO….. wait…Don…Don Cheadle…….that….that could be…”  While Robert Downey Jr’s performance & Jon Favreau’s direction & commitment to invisible CGI were the top reasons for Iron Man’s success, Downey was also backed up by a solid supporting cast.  I enjoyed Howard as Stark’s friend & military liaison James Rhodes, especially seeing a high ranking colonel with his strange little girl voice.  But let’s face it, Don Cheadle is an amazing actor & can easily fill & maybe even improve the role.  While I will miss what Howard would have done as War Machine, I very much look forward to seeing what Cheadle will do.

In a side note, while on tour promoting Tropic Thunder, RDJ reported that when the first pictures of him in black-face came out, Cheadle called him & asked, “Are you playing the black me?”

  Read more

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