
2012: Best Moments in a Theater

Chick 2 says:perks-of-being-a-wallflower-2

Tom Hardy throws a kid over a paintball obstacle as the kid screams, “it’s just a game, mister!” in This Means War.

The countdown to the Hunger Games sounds as Katniss decides whether or not to go for the arrows.

Zac Efron stars in The Lucky One.

The Hulk smashes Thor in his handsome Norwegian face after they take down a huge alien together.

David’s disembodied head continues to talk calmly to Dr. Shaw as they escape in Prometheus.

All the 80’s music and hair in Rock of Ages.

Any given “good guys continue to fight against all odds” moments in The Dark Knight Rises.

A young cast moves you and Emma Watson is not at all Hermione in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Thinking OMG I have no idea how this will or even should end in Looper.

Beautiful lighting and cinematography in Skyfall.

Crying hysterically to Anne Hathaway’s I Dreamed a Dream.

Posted on by wj11 in Year in Review 1,182 Comments

2012: Best Moments in a Theater

Chick 1 says:les-miserables-anne-hathaway

It’s that time of year again; a time to revisit the year’s highlights in filmmaking.  SPOILERS follow so I would recommend reading the tags to make sure you’ve seen all the movies listed here.

And without any further ado: Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Year in Review 710 Comments

Short Takes: Skyfall

Chick 2 says:

Overall Concept: A   The Bond series has been renewed ever since Daniel came along, but this is its freshest take yet.  Combine Craig with Sam Mendes, Roger Deakins, and Thomas Newman, and that’s a formula for a great movie regardless of it’s past.  Add in Ben Whishaw as the new Q, and this installment is off to a good start.*

Acting: B   It’s a Bond movie – acting not required.  But brilliant turn by Javier Bardem.

Script: B   It’s a Bond movie – script not required.

Cinematography:  A++    Roger Deakins – top notch, brilliant,  one of my favs

Hotness of Cast:  A+   It’s a Bond movie – hot actors required.

Wardrobe: A

Location/Setting:  A   Beautiful locations, also beautifully enhanced by great cinematography

Climax:  B

Special Effects: A


*See Chick 1’s review to read more about the drawbacks of being still just another Bond movie.  Spoiler warning.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 144 Comments

Review: Skyfall

Chick 1 says:

Yay!  It’s holiday movie season and we get to start with a treat for the boys AND the girls.  Bond is back and he’s 50 years old.  And he’s in top form, considering his age.

There’s plenty of action including a great pre-credits sequence.  I didn’t find it quite as non-stop as Quantum of Solace but still good fun.  It does get a little slow in the last half of the second act and I didn’t think the climax quite lived up to the hype.  But it’s still a solid Bond. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 177 Comments

Trailer Trash: Skyfall

Chick 1 says:

Yippee!  And yummy!

Posted on by Chick 1 in Trailer Trash 139 Comments