the abyss

Troperiffic Tuesday!: CPR (Clean, Pretty, Reliable)

Chick 1 says:

Whether you live or die in a movie or TV show depends on how secure your contract is.  But if you’ve been signed on for the sequel or the next season, then any medical emergency can easily, though dramatically, be solved through CPR!

In the real world, CPR stands for Cardiopulminary Resuscitation.  But in trope world it stands for Clean, Pretty, and Reliable.  What’s the difference?  In real life, CPR is an emergency procedure used to buy time for a victim until more advanced treatment can be given.  If someone’s heart and/or breathing stop then brain damage and tissue death can set in fairly quickly.  CPR gets the blood and oxygen flowing in an attempt to delay the damage until the patient can be revived.  But CPR alone usually does not revive the patient.  But not so in Hollywood! Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 101 Comments

Randomness: Tim Burton’s Batman Turns 20

Chick 1 says:batman1

Yes, it was 20 years ago this summer that Tim Burton changed the landscape of comic book movies and made a ton of cash.  1989 was a great summer for movies; Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, When Harry Met Sally, Parenthood, The Abyss, and Uncle Buck (an odd choice for summer release considering the cold Chicago setting).  But the mother of them all was Batman.  It gave me quite the little crush on Michael Keaton.  And while I sensed this was a significant movie, my understanding of its impact was limited to the rising prices at the concession, a phenomenon I dubbed “Batprices”.  There’s a great article over at about the lasting impact this movie has had on the film industry.  Check it out if, like me, you’re interested in that sort of thing.

Posted on by Chick 1 in Randomness 62 Comments