tilda swinton

Review: Michael Clayton

Chick 1 says:michaelclayton

Having seen Good Night and Good Luck on my RDJ list, I decided to add some George Clooney movies to my queue.  And this Oscar nominated thriller was next.

What I Liked: Quite a lot.  This is an intelligent, smooth thriller.  The story quietly moves along letting the tension rumble beneath the surface.  Read more

Posted on by admin in Reviews, The 2000s 111 Comments

Review: Burn After Reading

Things aren't going well for Brad

Things aren't going well for Brad

Chick 1 says:
While I certainly appreciate the talent of the Coen Brothers, I can’t exactly call myself an expert or even necessarily a fan.  My personal taste in movies doesn’t usually gravitate toward dark or graphic violence so that eliminates quite a few of the Coens’ major films, including last year’s No Country For Old Men, from my sphere of enjoyment.  However, I have enjoyed their comedies quite a bit.  O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Raising Arizona are among my favorite movies.  I even like Fargo, though I confess I’ve only seen an edited version on cable.  (Sacrilege for a film fan, I know.)  So I was both excited and a little leery about this dark comedy. 

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Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2000s 81 Comments