will ferrell

Review: The Campaign

Chick 1 says:

I’m not a huge fan of R-rated comedies or R-rated movies in general.  Mostly because I’m a bit sensitive to violence and vulgarity.  I don’t mind that others enjoy it, it just makes it harder for me to enjoy those movies.  There are plenty of exceptions.  I thought Tropic Thunder was hysterical!  But after arriving at the theater too late to see The Odd Life of Timothy Green and not really up for the intensity of The Bourne Legacy, I decided to check out The Campaign.

While there were some laughs in the trailer and Zach Galifinackis seemed endearing, I had mediorce expectations for this movie.  And that turned out to be pretty accurate.  There are some laughs and they are peppered throughout the story, some bigger than others.  But there are also some missed opportunities for laughs, like the baby punch (which is quite funny).  There are a series of clips afterwards with all the news shows discussing the scandal and they fall flat.  So much untapped fodder there.  Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Reviews, The 2010s 417 Comments

Trope of the Week: Manic Pixie Dream Girl

Chick 1 says:

Exciting!  Another new series: Trope of the Week.

What is a trope?  A trope is a device, motif, recurring theme, or even a cliche used in storytelling.  It can be a character type, a specific line or style of dialogue, a plot device, even a type of location or set.

A trope itself is neither good nor bad.  In fact, used appropriately it can be an effective tool.  In storytelling, whether in literature or film or other media, a lot of information needs to be communicated to the audience without bogging down the pace with lots of backstory or exposition.  A trope can be a kind of shorthand that the creator and audience have agreed on and recognize so the audience knows what to expect and can concentrate on more important parts of the plot. Read more

Posted on by Chick 1 in Tropes 4,587 Comments

Review: Stranger than Fiction

Chick 1 says:stranger-than-fiction

In honor of April 15th, I’m posting this review of Stranger than Fiction.  I’ve not viewed it recently but I own it & it’s one of my favorites.  If you’ve already completed your mad dash to the post office, swing by the video store & pick up a copy.  Or come by my apartment & borrow mine.  I’ll be watching Lost.   Sshhh.  No talking. Read more

Posted on by admin in Reviews, The 2000s 354 Comments

Review: Step Brothers

 Chick 2 says:step-brothers

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly star as 40-year-olds still living at home when their worlds are turned upside down by the marriage of their parents. I very much appreciate the talent of Ferrell, and Reilly is a very diverse and gifted actor, therefore there are definitely parts of the movie that keep you in stitches, howling with laughter, and a good part of those moments are in the trailer. However, the movie had ‘way too much profanity and vulgarity for me to thoroughly enjoy it. I respect the revolutionary abilities of such people as Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen, but believe that they can still deliver their loser-as-the-hero, realistically gross humor with a little more taste. It might take a little more thought and effort, but their films would be the better for it. Having said that, watching these 2 actors in the scenarios that such a plot creates has its merits. I think it would be best watched on TV when the censors have kindly edited out elements that only detract.

 IF you enjoy the cruder, dumber, more offensive side of Will Farrell and John C. Reilly, THEN GO (rent it).


Posted on by wj11 in Reviews, The 2000s 13 Comments